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Wonder Graphics: Slave Plantation


Pthooey of Tomainia
Mar 31, 2002
Oulu, Finland
Here's Slave Plantation wonder for you.

Can be used as an early factory wonder (like Iron Works), if you want to raise shield production by 50% raise production in 'edit civ3 rules tab' by 2, if 100% then 4 etc. Can also be commercial then check +1 trade in each trade-producing tile. Charasteristics are industrious and in latter case commercial. I also make it cause two unhappy faces in the city. If you have slaves resource make it need that. I use it with cotton for now.

As usual zip includes addtions for civilopedia&pediaicons text

Perhaps should make something positive for a change...naah


Here is the file, massa!


  • slaveplantation.zip
    55.3 KB · Views: 1,090
It's a typical plantation building, surrounded by cotton fields. Gotta jump up, spit around picka bale a day!


  • slaveplantation-prev.jpg
    31.1 KB · Views: 1,887
Ukas how are you able to make these buildings so fast?

it looks great BTW:)

Got some spare time and have a new version of photoshop to learn to. Takes 4-6 hours to make a building, plus approx. one hour to find resources to use etc. (like which real life building will be the example for the gestapo HQ) and some time to make a package and send it here. And extra time because sometimes I confuse with keyboard shortcuts and save wrong files etc.
Wonderful creations all -- but I'm perhaps inappropriately curious ... Are all of your creations so dark and -- ah! here's the rub! -- if not, what sort of buildings might you consider doing on request?

Regardless, thanks for all the excellent additions.

Not necessarily, tourist site and freud's psychoanalytics are nice buildings. Civ3 itself covered a lot of niceties and discoveries in arts and sciences but left out everything that may offend people (read: customers) except, of course, the war and military which I heard some think as not so nice. My priority is include some evil stuff which has _seriously_ affected the history of the human kind.

About requests, if I have time and empty hands I'm usually prone to do something, so ask. I can't think of a building I wouldn't do at the moment. Some the future buildings may as well be movie theater improvement and Zoo wonder for example.
Originally posted by Ukas
Not necessarily, tourist site and freud's psychoanalytics are nice buildings. Civ3 itself covered a lot of niceties and discoveries in arts and sciences but left out everything that may offend people (read: customers) except, of course, the war and military which I heard some think as not so nice. My priority is include some evil stuff which has _seriously_ affected the history of the human kind.

About requests, if I have time and empty hands I'm usually prone to do something, so ask. I can't think of a building I wouldn't do at the moment. Some the future buildings may as well be movie theater improvement and Zoo wonder for example.

Woops! -- I missed the tourist site, and (is there a "tongue-planted-firmly-in-cheek" smiley?) Freud's a great addition but "neutral" ...

Being graphically challenged myself, part of the problem is literally not being able to envision what a wonder or whatnot might look like ... So, in no particular order, we have Ozymandias' Wish List:

Trans-Atlantic wireless cable of 1857 Wonder

CERN research reactor

Meso-American arcology (native American culture survives and flourishes into present times; is very ecologically conscientious, and builds nearly self-sustaining pyramidal buildings)

Ziggurats (non-monotheistic Cathedral replacement)

Crusading Order (minor wonder -- can be Templars, Hospitalers, Teutons, etc.)

Space Flight Progression: Rocketry allows a "Launch Facility" which enables "Manned Spaceflight" (Yuri Gagarin) and "Heavy Payload Lifters" which enable Apollo and the Hubble space telescope.

The Maginot Line

-- Anything grab your interest? :)

-- And, BTW, I think your "darker" stuff is fine indeed, and I'll undoubtedtly be using more than a few.

Thanks for listening,

Another great one... Finally, the Graphics Mods forum has some new life to it again... its been pretty slow lately. I think we may need an entirely new category in the library for just buildings at the rate you're going, Ukas.
:lol: Dom Pedro, I have already added a new subsection for building graphics to Section III because of all the great work Ukas is doing. In fact, Ukas is so prolific that I'm just creating 2 general entries and listing all this stuff under those; otherwise a single post wouldn't be enough when I get around to adding previews :)

And I just wanted to point out that this particular entry could work equally well as an improvement instead of a wonder/small wonder with appropriate attributes.
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