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Wonder Graphics: Maginot Line


Pthooey of Tomainia
Mar 31, 2002
Oulu, Finland
To answer the Ozymandias request: The Maginot Line Wonder. Just had to do this one immediately since it reminded of a plan I once saw about it.

Use it like the Art of War wonder to give barracks to every city on the same continent. Or then to give great defensive bonuses for a city.

In real life Maginot line failed it's main purpose but was not overrun as a fort. The Germans just used the other way and blitzkrieged deep into France. But that was because of advanced military thinking and ruthless use of it. After all, they went through of two neutral countries to get in to third one. The Maginot line was obsolete already when it was finished in 1936 but it would have worked better in the time of WWI when massive frontal assault was still in fashion. General George S. Patton said something about people being able to conquer mountains so why let anything human made to stand on your way.


Package has needed pics, additions to .txt-files and a poor splash image. Perhaps someone can find a better replacement?


  • maginotline.zip
    89.2 KB · Views: 925
It portraits three bunkers above surface, and below some tunnels and rooms. The line in key places was a huge net of underground structures - late industrial age wonder indeed.


  • maginotprev.jpg
    20.8 KB · Views: 2,390
To Oz:

I hope the Maginot Line will work for you.

About your requests, not sure if I've time to do everything at least within next two weeks since will be somewhat busy with the studies.

With ziggurat you mean Tower of Babel which was called one I think? The civ3 title screen is based on some medieval artist's vision of it. Or do you mean these modern ziggurats some cults erect these days?

Crusading order as a minor wonder - do you plan to replace the military college or other minor wonder? It's ok, but minor wonder's have only small variety of options to be used with them.

And from where I can find images of CERN?

ukas: Before Civ 3 came out we discussed at Apolyton to make "dummy" wonders. Say, two civs are building "Hollywood" and the one who fails only builds "Cinecitta" which gives no actual benefit.
Maginot line gives a perfect example for a dummy great wall :D
Originally posted by Ukas
To Oz:

I hope the Maginot Line will work for you.

About your requests, not sure if I've time to do everything at least within next two weeks since will be somewhat busy with the studies.

With ziggurat you mean Tower of Babel which was called one I think? The civ3 title screen is based on some medieval artist's vision of it. Or do you mean these modern ziggurats some cults erect these days?

Crusading order as a minor wonder - do you plan to replace the military college or other minor wonder? It's ok, but minor wonder's have only small variety of options to be used with them.

And from where I can find images of CERN?


Hi Ukas,

MANY thanks! The Maginot Line is great.

The Tower Of Babel is indeed the most famous / infamous of the ziggurats -- from "The Cambridge Encyclopedia": "A temple tower ...consisted of a high, pyramidal mound, constructed in stages [i.e., "step pyramids"] and surmounted by a shrine. Access to the shrine was by a series of external stairways or ramps. Good examples come from Eridu, Ur, Uruk, and Choga Zanbil near Susa."

A "generic" example is attached below. I'm not sure how best to depict CERN, but if you enter "CERN" in alltheweb.com and click "pictures", hopefully that will help (I find alltheweb is usually better than google in turning up images).

"Crusading Order" would be a minor wonder giving a barracks in every city and increasing happiness (it would only be available under a medieval-Christian-style government).

Many Thanks Yet Again,

Wow, nice graphics! :b:
actually the Germans went around France into Belgium!

to make this point even better.......it was never breached, unlike the great wall :)

actually I don't know for sure the great wall was breached. I just think I saw it somewhere :p

but the fact still remains, the Maginot Line was so good that the germans had to flank it to take it. and even then the only reason they got it was because it was surrendered after the capture of france :)
I've read three versions about the virginity of the Great Wall. First claimed it was breached in a siege, second told that actually by some kind of Trojan Horse operation and third that it is still unconquered. Semantics. :rolleyes:

The Great Wall is the only human made structure you can see from the space. Maginot Line is not. Uniting factor between the two great fortifications is that modern mobile warfare couldn't care less.

During the last phases of WWI the Germans used new kind of strategies and tactics. And successfully, the war ended when they were advancing. After the war creative minds like Tukhachevsky, Liddell Hart, Guderian etc. took part to create these maneuvers further, which were soon to be known as modern mobile warfare, the Blitzkrieg. The concept existed already when the Maginot Line was only a plan, and it was already perfected when the Maginot Line was finished in 1936. The modernists also in the French army saw the fort as more harmful than useful.

The Line used lot of resources, building and maintenance was highly expensive, it demanded much manpower and created false sense of security. This all could have been used in more beneficial ways. The French army leaned on the Maginot Line, monument of obsolete strategy, and lost their country in less than six weeks. So, in my opinion it caused mainly damage to the defence of France.

The Maginot Line was considered to reach also from the German border all the way to the coast, so in theory it would have stopped the German offensive also from the Netherlands and Belgium. But then there are few chapters in military history when creativity and enthusiasm reached such levels than in 1930's Germany. I doubt that the Maginot Line would have made any difference in any case and I'm sure the Germans would have dealt with it in blitzy manner even if they had chosen to face the fort. It's a question of time and practice, twenty years earlier it would probably have won the WWI by itself.

It may be because I'm bit tired but Lord Ed's reasoning escapes from me - the Germans were on Belgiums soil two days earlier than on France's.

Anyway, I'll work with new buildings starting now.:)

Okay, that's three for three of splashes made for Wonders made at my request by Ukas ...

Coincidence? :santa: come early this year? Serendipity? Ukas in disguise? (Sorry, can't help but wonder about this last -- especially as adding Freedonia to Ukas' mod was an idea I proffered ... :D )

Regardless, a hearty Thank You, whoever you are, for these fine splashes!

... Ukas ... ? :confused:


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