Screenshot of the Day #116: Musketman


Oct 25, 2000
I thought this was quite funny. I decided to visit the military advisor screen to see how many units I could build with my current funds. It turns out he was "advising" me to build musketmen. This was normally a good idea, except for the fact that I couldn't possibly build a unit that had been outdate by riflemen!

Thanks to Edward Jones for the screenshot.
I've noticed a couple of times that the Military Advisor has recommended that I build obsolete units. Once it told me to build knights the turn after I'd upgraded all my knights to cavalry.
Maybe the military was thinking about triggering a GA? Just a guess. :)
It's not uncommon - I've seen it happen before. Only I didn't think it was witty enough to become an SOTD :wallbash: :( I don't know what exactly triggers it...
IMO, the advisor is very smart! Build more units at lower shield cost, do a mass upgrade. Unfortunately, riflemen don't need a resource... not so smart then.
Me thinks the military advisor has not yet gotten used to Rifle tactics (think the American Civil War)
That happends alot with various units. I have had the advisors suggest I build more swordmen when I can build Infantry and all sorts of wacky suggestions.
Originally posted by china444

Man, I want my IronClad Whale Radar to be a SOTD.

Eventually it will be posted (or it may not be) ;) I've sent three to four others after my "Barbarian Galley" was posted and none have been acknowledged except for one to get a clearer picture. Just be patient.
Originally posted by china444
Man, I want my IronClad Whale Radar to be a SOTD.

I really don't get whats so special about that. It's just an ironclad sitting on top of a whale. Uhh, yeah. You already posted it, anyway. What's the point of it becoming a screenshot of the day if everyone's seen it already?
I've never seen this before either

I love it when the message boards get testy.
Hmm you all get the picture wrong. These advisors are all nostalgic. They neglect the fact that you're already in the modern and instead would like to say fancy musketeers parading the streets with their colourful uniforms :) Long live the 17/18 century :king:
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