New Unit: European Spearman


Dec 17, 2001
Toledo, Ohio
Gael requested this unit for a scenerio he's creating. Basically, it's a spearman flavor unit for European civilizations. Enjoy! :D

EDIT: If anyone should wonder, there are no units that I currently want to make. :)

Originally posted by utahjazz7
Gael requested this unit for a scenerio he's creating. Basically, it's a spearman flavor unit for European civilizations. Enjoy! :D

EDIT: If anyone should wonder, there are no units that I currently want to make. :)


Could you make the zodiac boat I requsted.:rolleyes: I can send you the model.:)

btw very nice unit.:goodjob:
Brilliant unit, as usual! :D I just love flavor units. This complements your swordsman very nicely.

No units you wanna make now, eh? Well, I guess you deserve a break after pumping out a whole bunch one after another after another... I don't know how you do it! :)
utah, does the edit mean you dont have any units planned but want to make units or you dont have anything planned and don't want to make units?

if the former, I'd request you look into the french ww1 infantry replacement

Also in that context, a russian and german counterpart wouldn't be bad although i think nemesis rex was trying to make a german one with a pickelhaube (status?)
So does this fill the role of ancient European Spearman that Gael wanted or should I continue with my version... It may be a little more primitive looking than this one, which looks fantastic by the way :)
Very nice:goodjob: , have you conbsidered to make any riding units, such as the Cataphract?
Thanks for the compliments, everyone. :)

Kinboat, definately make your version! I want as many units of yours as I can get.

Bobisback, I believe that Zulu made a zodiac transport.

Originally posted by Shady
utah, does the edit mean you dont have any units planned but want to make units or you dont have anything planned and don't want to make units?
Well, right now, I don't have any planned. I read through most of--if not all of--the unit requests. Right now, there just aren't any that inspire me. I'll keep reading them though, and I maybe something will grab my fancy.
Originally posted by Yoda Power
Very nice:goodjob: , have you conbsidered to make any riding units, such as the Cataphract?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks for the European spearman Utah.

I won't ask you for anything but I just hope you will go back to the Arab levy eventually.

Whatever, it is great to have you as a member of the community here (and I think I speak for most).
Thanks, LouLong. I like CivFanatics too! ;) It's just that Spring is arriving, and the weather is getting nicer all the time. I want to be outside enjoying the weather, playing basketball, tennis, frisbee, and such.

Do you think you could just make a guy in a suit next? It would help alot of us as a capitalist king unit! :D
Nice one! (As usual. ;) )
Do you think you could just make a guy in a suit next? It would help alot of us as a capitalist king unit! :D
Well, they do say capitalism is king. ;)
just curious

it seems like there is a flavour spearman unit for just about every civ
What region is the actual spearman supposed to be from?
The region where they kill people for reviving 2 year old theads
...alas, this ain't it.
Go easy, Bungus boy, joeskip is asking a legitimate question. He's not bumping in order to say "woo hoo, nice unit!" or some odd thing.

@joeskip, I don't know that this spearman is supposed to come from any particular region. Seems to me that it's only supposed to be a generically "European" spearman and that's about it. I think the Rise and Rule mod uses this spearman for the French, Spanish and Celts, whereas Germany and Scandinavia get Kinboat's "Germanic Spearman" graphic instead (and the Romans and other Mediteranean or Near Eastern civs just get the usual "Spearman" graphic).
Thanks Mithadan

Nice of you to take time to explain things to a newb
No problem. Once, everyone was new. :)
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