An alternate strategy


Retired Moderator
Feb 10, 2002
Once again, this one revolves around Greece, and the fact that we'll take out all of France.

Look at this trade deal:


EXPORT: Dyes, Incense, Motorized Transport
IMPORT: 386gpt

Now, before you go buggy-eyed over MT (which is worth about 220gpt in itself), we are running low on funds. With Persia, we should be able to have enough cash reserves to support our army. Now, here's the thing. This is how far each civ is from Motorized Transportation:

England - 12 techs away
Russia - 11 techs away.
China - 7 techs away
Persia - 5 techs away
France - 1 tech away
Greece - 1 tech away

We can do this to prevent Greece from trading.

Greece - Peace Renegotiation
IMPORT: MPP, 386gpt, 969gold
EXPORT: MPP, Dyes, Incense, Motorized Transport

Because of the way the between turns are played, France attacks before greece. This will effectively cut off Greek trade due to the MPP. However, there is a strong chance that China will declare war on France. In our last war with America, China was also at war, but did not send any troops because of our Maginot Line. We can exploit this oppotunity.

True, Greece *WILL BUILD* tanks, but we have no plans to attack Greece in the near future, or even future for that matter. Other civs are too far away from MT, and too poor to afford them. France WILL TAKE more than just 1 turn chat, maybe 2. By then, we might have Mech Inf, and have ample defense against China, while researching the modern armor track.

To get a jump on France, we'd need to do a few things.

1 - pillage their only source of oil, just in case they DO research MT while we're at war.

2 - Beef up our defenses. They have numerous cav armies that have been seen roaming about last turn chat. Maybe, 4 infantry at the front. Fighting *WILL BE* fierce. We can even pre-empt France by shelling their troops while in our border, and attacking a good bulk of their forces. I wouldn't be surprised if all or most of their cav (and army or two) were in the north.

We have an ROP with France and Greece. Instead of doing this during the preturn to report (which will take forever), we could scout only along the rails and see their troop/worker locations.
Sounds fine to me. It's not that critical who we attack as everybody is a target and we will inevitably beat whoever we attack (some may be more difficult but the outcome is certain). Pick a target and start whacking.
So, should we scout the French lands along rails? This could be seen as an offline preturn move. (and maybe the Greeks too)
And if anyone wants a PI, I'd like to see them try a 3-5 hour preturn. ;)
The current rules prohibit taking game actions. Previous Judiciaries have defined that as pressing the big red button. So long as you don't do that I doubt that anybody will have a problem with you doing offline actions that have already been ordered in the chat instruction thread.
I am in favor of attacking France as soon as possible, and it is also possible that we can gain our domination victory without fighting Greece.

Scouting France out on an ROP sounds suitably diabolical, as long as it doesn't delay our attack.
Excellent work once again Chieftess. The Grande Dame continues to bedazzle us with her many "talents". ;)
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