"Plan C" - The Drive Towards Domination


Retired Moderator
Feb 10, 2002
There are already pieces of discussion here:

City production assessment/strategy (for unit builds)

"Who's Next" - Who shall be the Next one to go

Sign peace with Persia?

A report from MapStat

But, this is what I have in mind for our final push to domination.

- Have our top 30 (even up to 40) productive cities (listed in the city production thread) build Panzers.

- In order to phase out cavalry (and other obsolete units).

51 cav
1 rifle
1 knight
1 musket
6 pikes
3 swords (4 are in an army)
1 spear

That's 64 extra panzers if we wish to rush those.

- Sign an ROP with England (to lay down rails)

- Set science down to 0% research once again.

I know what you're thinking, and this will be the riskiest part of the plan. We will get 941gpt over the next 20 turns. We will also get nearly 400gpt with a renegotiated peace treaty from Greece (not to mention the 969g). Add on to that the gold Persia might give us.

You're talking nearly 1500gpt, almost 4 extra panzers per turn, for 8-10 turns. This could also be saved for library rushes.

- The goal is to have atleast 100 panz. by turn 10, and 200 by turn 20.

- Use our massive infantry garrisons to quell riots.

- Pillage France's only source of oil, and take out their ports.

- Once we take out France, we can split our troops to take out Russia and England simultaneously.

- This should put us on pace for one last war before domination.

- With the main tank "threat" gone, and the only other one (Greece) isolated, we won't have to worry about other civs getting tanks for a while, as they have 5-7 techs to research before they even get tanks. In the meanwhile, we should get Greece to sign an embargo against China sometime in the future).

But, there is a major risk, and that is we fall behind in science. Do we take this risk and just go for it? Taking out France puts us in prime posistion for a domination win. If we can get down to the southern areas, and attack from the north and south, I think we can quicken this war, and domination.
As VP and Former Military Leader, I Agree with this Plan.
Lets do it. My own rough estimate is that we can get it done quicker than this and will probably be better off taking out Persia after France, but I would like the Civ Math experts to work on the numbers.

Let the Last Queen of Fanatika become the First World Empress!

Constitutional Empress, of course.
Important Question: what do we have to do to get a legally declared war going with France by noon tomorrow?

And I am talking about the demogame, thanks!
Feodor - I think so. Ask eyrei for a poll. This plan will also need to be polled. We may have to delay the turn chat.... or just a preturn...
I'm opposed to this tactic. I don't think we need to take the risk of falling behind in techs, just to rush a few libraries in newly conquered towns. If we are that strapped for cash flow, I suggest we resume selling our luxuries to the other remaining world powers.

Otherwise, I'd like to ensure that we get to Fission before Greece or anyone else who might be inclined to call a premature UN vote.
There's always stealing techs...
I support this plan. If Greece starts to build the UN, we can take them by force :evil:
Remember, part of this plan involves giving Greece the secrets to tanks. Also, if we were to declare war on Greece, I wonder exactly how much gpt we would lose....

But, with respect to the desire to drop our research funding to 0%.... Keep in mind, that I have been accused of being a staunch supporter of previous plans with similar results, so I am not simply blinded by my desire to max funding for research. ;)

In this case, however, I do not see the benefit of such a tactic. Why do we need to have 0% research? Even with your exceptionally grand luck with the RNG, Chieftess, I doubt very seriously that we could take more than 2 or 3 French cities per turn. To rush a library (possibly the most economical culture-producing improvement for us) in each of those cities every turn will not require us to drop our science funding to 0%.

Furthermore, stealing techs from Greece may prove quite difficult and is a much larger risk, in my opinion, than whatever benefits we might get from that extra gold per turn. God help us if we are caught, and Greece declares war with the tanks we have given them. Our economy would certainly suffer and the prospect of a quick victory would quickly fade.

I say Nay to this part of the plan. We can, and rightfully should win this war without having to resort to such drastic measures as these.
@Civanator - Domestic. :) If can get us to domination in two weeks, then we'll worry about DG3.

@Goonie - If we're feeling lucky, sure. We'll just make sure England and Russia are under our wing. Persia's cavalry should provide for some good GL training grounds, too.
This sounds like an interesting plan
*Paalikles is starting to give up on the "Let's give peace a chance" campaign* :(

I doubt that 100 panzers will be ready in 10 turns
From what I ve heard - France and China (or Greece?) are our largest opponents - and if I understand CT's plan correctly the order of war is:

then Russia & England (to tidy the map a bit :D )
then China
then Greece

which probably *sniff* is the best way to do it
Look at the production (I've done my math). With a few extra panzers thrown in, we'll get 100 every 10 turns, and that's only IF we have 31 cities on panzer only builds. We could however, toss a hospital or two in and build a panzer else where with cavalry disbands.

BTW, I would be willing to take off the 0% science option.
I think FortyJ has an excellent point - Why in the world should we lower the science rate? Even with the Panzers, a French war is bound to take longer than our previous wars. The area is infested with jungle! Our panzers and cavalry will only moved 1 tile a turn.

The French aren't exactly weakings, either. And our good luck is bound to run out soon.

This it too big a risk. We cannot drop our research and allow a tech catchup for a French war.

If the rate was dropped to 50% or so, I may agree with a drop.
For a Peace Treaty Persia won't give us very much... Not enough to make a big differance anyway.
I'm still not convinced that we need to drop the rate at all. What is the point? And, have we all become so conditioned in this game to accept 0% research that we don't question it now when it is brought up?

I stated during the elections that I would accept a reduction of the science funding rate if it were in the best interests of Fanatika. I'm not yet convinced that it is.

The new deal with Greece would provide sufficient funds to provide an increase in the science funding rate as well as sufficient cash flow to allow rushing a number of libraries each turn without any drop in our current treasury. So, why exactly is it necessary to drop the rate at all? Somebody convince me and I'll shut up. Otherwise, I intend to fight any reduction in the science rate tooth and nail.

Your oh-so-dedicated Science Leader
I agree with most of this plan except the science part. I think it should be moved up to 50 or 60%. I agree that we need as many Panzers as possible, because it might be hard fighting in the French/Chinese jungles and the sheer challenge of city assaults.

According to MapStat we do not need to take out Greece to achieve a domination victory, so we should focus on Russia, England, China, then France. If that is not enough (borders probably will shrink), then we can go for Greece, but I would prefer Persia instead.
Greece is on the merge of researching motorized transportation.... and I plan on trading it to them....

I know this does sound risky, but it gets us an extra 200+gpt and 960g upfront. This could aid are war effort.
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