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Newbie Questions - Ask here and get Answers!

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anarchist revolutionary
Apr 22, 2002
You want to know something and can't find it in the FAQ?

Ask here!

Don't bother to read through the entire thread, just ask and there's lots of people willing to help.

Please DO read throught the relevant section of the FAQ thread (which is also a sticky) before you post though.
How do I move units from airport to ariport? Is there a button at the bottom of the screen I need to click, or what do I do to make a unit in city A turn up in City B when they both have airports?
Yes, there is an "airlift" button at the bottom of the screen (the icon looks like a parachute), or you can use "T" on your keyboard to airlift units. :)
anarres, thanx for taking this over! I am too fed up with all the dumb remarks I am getting for this....

I ha already thought of asking Shabba to do it ;)
Originally posted by OutlawDragon
Is there such thing as a Batch Unit Upgrade in PTW? Upgrading unit by unit is not much fun when you have a 100 to 200 units. So just a question I thought I would ask to save time.
If you go to the Military Advisor screen, you can right-click on a unit and upgrade all units of that type ... if you have the cash to do a mass upgrade. Of course it will only process those units that are in cities with barracks in them.
Originally posted by Mercade
Originally posted by OutlawDragon

Is there such thing as a Batch Unit Upgrade in PTW? Upgrading unit by unit is not much fun when you have a 100 to 200 units. So just a question I thought I would ask to save time.
If you go to the Military Advisor screen, you can right-click on a unit and upgrade all units of that type ... if you have the cash to do a mass upgrade. Of course it will only process those units that are in cities with barracks in them.

You can also activate a unit you wish to upgrade and do "Shift-U," this will upgrade all units that can be upgraded.
Orangebear, If I understand what you are asking, I suggest you ask it in the Creation and Customization forum. There are lots of "modders" there who can answer your questions. (Just be sure to ask the questions in the main C&C forum, not the files subforums. ;) )
Killer you didn't think of asking me to take over? ;)

Ok, here's my question then: erm, uhh... ok sorry I lied I don't have any left :p

So then, I guess I'm typing this to subscribe to the new thread ;)
Yes it will work for WinXP
Near the bottom, right after the QRB, there's "receive updates to this thread"

You, taking over? :rolleyes: ;)
I took over the last one ;)

However pretty soon I'll tire of helping others not enjoy how to discover the features of the game like I had.
The search function doesn't seem to be working for me at the moment, so I don't know if this has been asked before. Is it possible to change the music tracks that are played during each era? I am not a fan of the modern age music, and I would much rather hear the Renaissance music, or even earlier music, instead. Is there a file setting that will allow me to set the music tracks played? Thanks for the help.
AFAIK, you can't change the music settings... :(

Get used to it, or turn it off and have your own stuff. :)

Not sure how the game would respond, and if you do this be careful and back stuff up, and I haven't tried it, so no warranty explicit or implied is contained in this post....:)

have you tried just finding the music file you don't like, and overwriting it with one you do like.
Try your C:\Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III\Sounds\Diplomusic folder and try renaming a few files, that might work.

BUT BACK IT ALL UP FIRST, and don't do it if you aren't confident of getting it right and/or back to how you have it now....remember, no warranty, explicit or implied
Originally posted by Hygro
I took over the last one ;)

However pretty soon I'll tire of helping others not enjoy how to discover the features of the game like I had.
I certainly didn't mean to 'take it over' Hygro. I just started a new one because Killer isn't around that much these days. ;)
I asked this question on the last newbie thread, no one replied...........:(

Is there a way to wipe your hall of fame?, or at least one civ's enties onto it. And i don't mean just not showing thier score thing.

Thanks in advance :)
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