Space Wars Mod v0.1


canonically ambiguous
Nov 27, 2002
Portsmouth, England, UK
Space Wars v0.1 for civ3 1.29f
Aprarently its playable with PTW, but the custom spaceship graphics for the units arent shown, something to do with the civlopedia... Bobbisack has now made a new version which should work with PTW. This version should work fine with 1.29

*Download here* 1.35 megs approx

This is an early test version of the space mod ive been working on, would anyone be tempted to try it out? Id appreciate any feedback or opinions. Grey Fox was also working on a space mod similar to this, but its status is currently unkown :(. This is not very professional yet, but the basics are here.

Heres my old ideas thread

and Grey Fox's Final Frontier mod

Whats done (1st versions of):
1st age tech
Basic game
Terrain Graphics
Resources/Planets etc
(Thanks to smoking mirror for some of the planet graphics)
10 Basic units graphics (directional, but no anim or sound :( )
'Cities' graphics
'City Improvement' rules

Not Done (to work on in future, possibly :) ):
Interface re-done to look more 'sci-fi'
Unique units for each faction or race
Alien races, leaderheads, people heads etc (not definate, might be all human)
Sound, Animation (not definate)
Civlopedia entries
Tech tree, tech graphics
Industry, research and money balancing
More planets, more resources
Lots more units
city names?

Around 4,000bc, an alien race visited earth and abducted several different tribes from various places on the planet. They then transported the humans to a faraway galaxy. Each tribe was given its own planet and was taught how to use advanced technology and space travel. After this, the aliens left, and used their psychic powers to remove all memory of their existence from the humans.

Why the aliens did this is unknown, perhaps it is part of a grand experiment or even a game, played out on a scale unfathomable to us. Now each of the tribes are about to launch their first ships into deep space, searching for other star systems to claim and settle, and to conquer!

There is no 'sea' in this mod. Space is 'land', and you can build 'hyperspace beacon' roads and mining/food stations on it. Stars are the only squares were you can build cities. 'Space' squares give very little resources. Planets are 'bonus resources' found near the star, and have a much larger value. Different planets have different food/industry/trade. Each star also has either a luxury or a strategic resource on it.

some ancient techs have been renamed but the tech tree is still the same. Buildings have been renamed but most are basically the same. Ive made use of the new 'extra hit points' feature, so larger ships get more hits. There are currently NO unique units :( samurai in space would just be weird. Im going to have unique units of some kind eventually. ) Everything else plays pretty much the same so far.... Play on emperor or diety for a challenge

Playing a normal random map with these graphics is very weird... The spacewars.bic includes a hand-made galaxy map with random start points for 11 players.

For anyone wanting to install, save the zips to your civ3 directory and then unzip them there. Then if you use the paths everything should copy to the right folders...

Heres exactly what this mod replaces if you want to backup the original graphics...

art/terrain, pretty much the whole folder
art/cities, again probably easier just to back up the whole folder
art/title.pcx (a custom title i made, its not needed, just for fun)
the actual units install to their own folders and dont overwrite any default units

Then load up the 'spacewars' scenario (it should be into the scenario folder)

The two zips are now combined into one and uploaded to civfanatics upload thing:


*Download here* 1.35 megs approx

Well thanks very much to anyone who tries this out, i appreciate any comments or feedback.

Heres a pic:


  • spacemod.jpg
    27.6 KB · Views: 1,004
Just a pic showing the ship graphics. So far there are attack and standard versions of frigates, destroyers, and cruisers. The rest are special ships , colony ships, 'contrucion vessel' workers or explorer ships.


  • spacefleet.jpeg
    31.1 KB · Views: 974
Yes, the graphics look very nice!
A couple of ideas/thoughts. I don't think you should be able to build irrigation and mining in deep space, just on the planets.
I think that the most important things to do is:
* to make a tech tree.
*A "Basic" Civilopedia. Not anything special, just so that you can check that "blue planets give 5 food and 2 shields, 7 food if irrigated, and 4 shields if mined" or something like that. :)

Do you have SMAC? Maybe there are some graphics there you can "loan"? Tech pics, or something?
As it is set in the future, maybe you should be able to build factories quite early?
And will you do a ptw version?
You say that it is 2 meg total. This is less than 3 meg, use the "Upload File" thingy at the bottom of every page :)

I haven't d/l it yet, this is just responses to your first post.
Hey, i didnt know you could use the upload thing :) . Ok, ive uploaded it to civfanatics now and updated the first post...

Yep hopefully there will be a big tech tree, i have lots of ideas for this, but having to set up the x and y co-ordinates on the research screen and the eras etc seem to make it difficult :(

Thats a cool idea about the irrigation etc, I think it would be possible to have different kinds of 'space', one that cant be mined or irrigated, and ones that can be either or both, although all would look and appear the same. Then the planet resources can be put on the correct type of space, so only worlds with atmospheres can be 'irrigated' and maybe water planets cannot be mined etc.

Maybe 'rivers' could be made invisibvle and placed next to some areas. One tech e.g hydorponics or something is needed to irrigate these worlds. Then another tech such as terraforming allows irrigation away from just 'rivers' (like with electricity).

I noticed a problem with air units. You cant seem to have ground units that can carry air units porperly (since theres no sea in this mod). You can relocate to them, but once the 'carrier' land unit moves, the air units are left behind in space, which is weird! I dont think its possible to get the A.I to use land carrier units either, which kind of takes the fun out of it IMO, like a cheat.

I want to have some kind of fighters, but probably they'll be based on star system only.
Awsome trying it now
One idea for space carriers is to set them up as artillery type units. The ranged bombardment represents space fighters launching against their targets. As for actual 'Air' unit type fighters, your only option would probably be to have them based on settlements. However, you could have airfields that are like starbases that can also hold fighters (if you have PTW).
In the version I downloaded the units flcs were not being use in game. They were all F-15 flcs being used in the game.:confused:
oh dear im sorry its messed up like that bobisback. Thanks for downloading it anyway. What version of civ3 do you have? i made this with 1.29f.

I dunno why the f-15 is appearing.... The civlopedia entries for all the space units are set to the f-15, because im still not quite sure how to add civlopedia entreis of my own. But i checked the zip, all the ini files and .flcs seem to be ok.

Do you have PTW? maybe it relies on the civlopedia entries to know what graphics to use, as opposed to 1.29 which just uses the .ini?
Originally posted by Daftpanzer
Do you have PTW? maybe it relies on the civlopedia entries to know what graphics to use, as opposed to 1.29 which just uses the .ini? ok.

That would be why. I have PTW, I guess I will add civlopedia entries, convert it to PTW and fix the PediaIcons.txt myself.:D;)

btw check your pms Daftpanzer.;) and Awsome job on the mod:goodjob:
Just to let you no you do not have to have civlopedia entries.:)
Here is my version of spacewars,:D it is for PTW 1.21f.(give me about two days and I will make a Civ3 version;))

Ok here are the files

What I added to Spacewars
I have added graphics for radar base, star base, and outpost, 6 units and two new maps. (three maps altogether)

To setup, Extract all the zips to your CIV3PTW\Scenarios directory (the default is C:\Program Files/Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III\CIV3PTW\Scenarios) Then it should work. If not let me no in the thread I posted this in.

All the credits go to Daftpanzer for making the basic mod, to Neomega for making four units and to Piernik for making two units. (NOTE this is my version to spacewars made by Daftpanzer)
Andrew510 i downloaded the zip, havent actually played it yet but i took a quick look in the editor. I like the idea of 'star houses'. I like the idea of having artillery units replaced by 'fighter carrier' type units. Although, it would be cool if you had some way of defending against enemy fighters with your own. I guess it'll depend on how well a 'space fighter' unit works.

The star carrier seems a little expensive? its 100 compared to most others which are currently below 10...

I had a look at the civlopedia entry, it looks cool

The 'story' i put up was just a kind of lame excuse for not having alien races, eventually i was going to try to add aliens with unique graphics for all their units. But i really like the idea of star houses, they could all be human with just a few unique units each. There could still also be a few non-human alien races...

Bobisback im downloading your zips now, ill have a look although i wont be able to play because i dont have PTW :( although i might be buying it in a week or so.

Thanks for taking an interest in this mod, hopefully if theres several people working on this or something similar to this we can end up with something pretty cool :)
Originally posted by Daftpanzer
...Thats a cool idea about the irrigation etc, I think it would be possible to have different kinds of 'space', one that cant be mined or irrigated, and ones that can be either or both, although all would look and appear the same. Then the planet resources can be put on the correct type of space, so only worlds with atmospheres can be 'irrigated' and maybe water planets cannot be mined etc.

Maybe 'rivers' could be made invisibvle and placed next to some areas. One tech e.g hydorponics or something is needed to irrigate these worlds. Then another tech such as terraforming allows irrigation away from just 'rivers' (like with electricity).
I think that you should give the "irrigate without water" to everyone from the start. This way you only have to irrigate planets. Irrigated space just feel stupid.:rolleyes: I think it's bad enough that you have to build roads in space, although I think those space beacons has potential. Oh, and remember that with different rescources, you can make hundreds of different planets. (Or 15 or something, at least.)

BTW, I think you should stop "threadjacking" Grey Fox's thread, post about your mod in this thread. It's not really anoying yet, but it may be.
Oh, and maybe those fighter carriers can be wheeled, showing that they are too big to fly through uncharted space, kinda thing.
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