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More requests for Utahjazz's "guerilla" model


The Worthless
Nov 27, 2001
Cape Cod
I'm starting to work on my World of Conflict scenario again, and unfortunately I really don't have much time to make all of the units I need myself.

Utah, I was wondering if you could take the same model you made the FARC, Dawa, and Separatist with and make these... please????.... help me, utah jazz seven, you're my only hope...

Indian National Security Guard (Black Cat)
I'm actually going to be using this for many civs (you have to see the scenario to understand) as a Security Force unit so I'd prefer to keep it light skinned.

Australian RAR Commando from Vietnam War

and if you're up to it...

I couldn't find a pic of one of these. Basically they're Marines with a big communication backpack. Here's the preview I made of it thru cut and paste.
Well, I'm leaving tomorrow, and I will be in Darmstadt, Germany for two weeks. I could probably do something for you when I get back though. It shouldn't be too hard, if I can keep the animations the same as with the other units--that means all will use a mahine gun like the others. Is that going to be a problem?

Here are my thoughts.

Security Forces:
Based on FARC. Lose the machette. Give whiter skin color. Change the color of the clothing to a dark grey. Then, we could add some different civ-coloring.

Australian RAR:
Hmm . . . that's a tough one. What color do they wear, brown maybe? I don't have a brown variant yet, so that might be a good solution. Anyway, we could use the Dawa Soldier, but use a smaller backpack. We'd probably need to change the weapon, but keep it a machine gun for animation reasons. ;) Give him a different hat--perhaps a boonie. Of course he would be white too.

That would be the Dawa Soldier with short sleeves. How about some sort of bulletproof vest/jacket. We could through an antena on the backpack too, but I don't know how well it'd show up. Anyway, send me a pm or bump this thread in two or three weeks, and I'll see what I can do. The skin color shouldn't matter here. What do you think, Sween?
utah, hey! thanks for responding! I updated the first post, so please check it out. The security forces I was looking for was the Black Cat from India.

I'll ask Kemal69 about the RAR Commando, hopefully get him in this thread to talk about it.

I'll continue to look for a picture of a hopper, as it's a huge part of the scenario and needs to have some uniqueness from the UU's (Dawa is the UU for Angola)

Thank you for your interest in these units, if you go thru with it you'll save me alot of time and these units will be well used around the world. Have fun in Germany!!!

These are the three units, which I have already made with this base model: Dawa Soldier, FAR/FARC, and the Separatist.

These are previews of two of the three units I'm trying to make for Sween's scenerio: Black Cat security force and the RAR Commando.

So, do they all look too much alike? There really isn't anything that I can do about it though. :( Sween, do you still want them or are you not going to finish the scenerio? Please let me know because if you don't absolutely need them, I don't really want to finish them.
I am currently drooling. YES I DO NEED THEM!!! But if you don't want to do them, then don't. It, after all, is a request. If you only want to make one, then I will atleast need the Black Cat.

Maybe you can make the brown on the RAR commando a light brown so they are more different.

:goodjob: You are the s---!!!
Originally posted by sween32
I am currently drooling. YES I DO NEED THEM!!! But if you don't want to do them, then don't. It, after all, is a request. If you only want to make one, then I will atleast need the Black Cat.

Maybe you can make the brown on the RAR commando a light brown so they are more different.

:goodjob: You are the s---!!!

Yeah, I'll make them. I just wanted to make sure that you were still going to use them, if I was going to invest time in them. It shouldn't take too long to do either, since I already have the animations worked out from the other units. I just need to render everything, you know. I'll design the Hopper before I begin though. Yes, I can lighten the uniform of the RAR Commando too. I originally had a lighter color anyway. Well, I'll keep you updated, of course. :)
I love the RAR Commando dude. It's about time we had a guy like that, with one of those hats.
Thanks for the compliments, guys. Here's a look at the Hopper. I'm not sure if the FLAK jacket poser figure will work properly or not though. I was having problems with it.

Originally posted by utahjazz7
Thanks for the compliments, guys. Here's a look at the Hopper. I'm not sure if the FLAK jacket poser figure will work properly or not though. I was having problems with it.

even cooler:goodjob:
damn, the hopper is top quality!!! you never cease to amaze me.

i can't wait to get my hands on that black cat, though.

and i'm sure the aussies will appreciatte finally having a uu.

again :goodjob: they should rename this smilie :utahjazz7:
doh, double post after a looooong server error.
Those look great! If you don't want to finish them another option would be to post the models that youi aer using and let somebody else have a go at them. :)

I am sure there are others who would take up the call.
A hopper carries a large radio to communicate with different bases and headquarters for info on what is ahead, what is behind, calling for help, etc. Basically this will be an upgrade of pesoloco's surveilance unit. I used to have a picture of one, but I can't find it nor anything about it online anymore. basically only small militaries like guerillas use them now.
These units look great! PLEASE keep 'em coming!


P.S. to Sween -- Slightly OT but have you seen --

http://www.urrib2000.narod.ru/Tanques-e.html ?

It's a pageful of Cuban and "enemy" armor. The navigation's a bit weird, I had to get there via a lank at the bottom of the "Equipment" button on the main page and not the "Tanques/Tanks".

Main site is:


Yours Humming The Internationale,

ozy, coolness!!! thanks! i'm very impressed. have you thought of joining the J26?
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