Screenshot of the Day #128: Mining Town

I believe that if you set a worker to some task and then promptly found a city on that same square the worker will finish his task anyway (to no effect of course) hence the funny screenshot.
Yes, Peter is right, but whoever ordered that worker to do that, has still something to learn about efficiency. Perhaps the intention was to settle one tile to the south as that would provide more land in the long run, promptly clear the jungle (we know there was no jungle where the settler ended up because you cannot mine jungle), and perhaps make the citizens of Shantung think twice about their allegiance.
I've seen workers jungle thwacking on mountains but this is funnier.
No! You fool! Don't kill the citizens! ;)
Originally posted by Peter Harris
I believe that if you set a worker to some task and then promptly found a city on that same square the worker will finish his task anyway (to no effect of course) hence the funny screenshot.

I agree with Peter. Good SOTD. :goodjob:
Just another example of why I don't automate my workers (can't trust the AI).
Originally posted by aaglo
"Citizens beware the huge pick above the village"

That looks phunny :D
:lol: "Giant worker is coming, It's everyman for himself"
its a cheap horror movie!
'it came from the planet alpha centuria'
could be a hit....
beats attack of the 40ft women any day
YOU MAY BE NEXT! :mutant:
There's obviously a good reason why this worker has chosen to express his anger at his civ in such a primitive, barbaric way.

As you can see, his civ is on a research path that will eventually lead to Democracy. If the Japanese discover Democracy, he will have to live for the next 1400 years working 50% harder than he does in republic. He's obviously trying to send Japan into Anarchy so he only has to work at 50% efficiency.:)
This reminds me of the SOTD where it was taking -2 turns. That was because the person set one worker to clear the jungle and another to build a road.
lol trumpeteer
Originally posted by Hygro
I've seen workers jungle thwacking on mountains but this is funnier.

Call me immature but "thwacking on mountains" seems funnier to me :D :crazyeye: :rolleyes:
:lol: thats great!
Please! Don't even start with that! :p ;)
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