Jedi Master


Dec 8, 2002
Here is a jedi master I thought there needed to be one since there is a sith master
:) :)
Looks good:goodjob:
I know this is not the apropriate place but i need to ask:

I'm trying to convert AoM units (very usefull), but i'm not having any progress. How you convert this unit?
I'm asking because i believe that the GB have the same "structural base".

Thank you anyway.
costa-try to contact CivGeberal he convertet two units from the game, and he is still around:)
Originally posted by Costa e Silva
Sorry, i only see now.

Are you talking about what game? GB or AoM?
AoM, he made the Ballista and the Crossbowman:)
This isn't really the proper place to ask this question, if I were you I would create a thread in the main creation and customization forum. More people are likely to see it. And it wouldn't be 'thread jacking' warmasters thread.

So, GIDustin could probably help you figure it out, he has a site you can find here and is always helpful, but he is busy. It won't be easy to convert the units, not as simple as Jimmyh's tool would make it anyway. But as far as I know, you need to download a utility to alter the graphics. I don't know about SWGB, but for AoK you can download, Mod Pack Studio. It might be a missing link that you need. There are lots of people that could help, so you should post a topic in the Main C&C forum here at Civfanatics.

And again, thanks for the unit Warmaster, I gave him the ability to move twice and have the blitz ability. His Attack and Defense stats really can't be universal, it would depend on how tough the average modder made the Sith Knight unit:).
Originally posted by Civanator
Yoda, It is Age of Empires II, AKA Age of Kings, and maybe The Conquerers Expansion. Not AoM, which is Age of Mythology.
oh yeah, sorry I meant AoK and AoE, I always screw up those names.
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