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Term 2 - Military Department - Manifest Destiny


Dec 11, 2001
Maryland, USA
Here's a list of things that should be done

-the warrior in Aureus needs to be upgraded
-the warrior near lake Asphinxia needs to be called back to Aureus to be upgraded, along with the warrior directly north east of Aureus
-Establish an Embassy with Greece and seek a military alliance with them.
-Establish an embassy with the Aztecs only seek a MA if it's relatively cheap, otherwise we'll go to them later if need be.
-Switch Noshuret to Spearman and upgrade and move forward the Legion there (wait for Spearman to be completed first)
1 Elite Legion in 6 turns > 1 Vet Legion in 9 turns.

Replace all Warrior garrisons with Spearmen ASAP, those Warriors should then be upgraded and sent to the front, we must start amassing for the invasion.

Once Inadatto's temple is finished I request it be switched to Legions, we need to pump out legions as quick as possible now. Same goes for Gorina and Penguinadua.

The Warrior to the far East needs to be recalled, it will likely not get home in time, so have it explore the Black area at the end of that penninsula first.

By my calculations we have income to upgrade one Legion every 2 turns at 40 gold each (ALMOST, 2 short so it's 9 Legions every 10 turns (if my calculations are right). We have 360, so we have reserves for 9 upgrades.

We have 17 outdated warriors and currently 5 legions. Most east of Inadatto.

I also have no objections with CG's current plan and intend to use that as the basis for our advance.
It seems the position of our treasury is such that there is no point in recruiting more warriors to be trained later as legionarries. Are all our our cities connected to iron? How many of our cities are equipped to produce veteran troops?

Our lack of gold for refitting troops also makes me question whether we should seek alliances against Egypt. We would certainly be better off spending our gold on our troops rather than in trying to bribe allies. Would it be so bad if the Greeks allied with Egypt and declared war on us? Would we really have to fear an actual invasion by the Greeks?
Originally posted by donsig
It seems the position of our treasury is such that there is no point in recruiting more warriors to be trained later as legionarries. Are all our our cities connected to iron? How many of our cities are equipped to produce veteran troops?

Our lack of gold for refitting troops also makes me question whether we should seek alliances against Egypt. We would certainly be better off spending our gold on our troops rather than in trying to bribe allies. Would it be so bad if the Greeks allied with Egypt and declared war on us? Would we really have to fear an actual invasion by the Greeks?

We have 3 cities not connected, Funkytowne, Nar Shaddaa, and Lake Asphinxia. All else have connections to Iron.

Only Aureus and Noshuret have Barracks (unfortunately).

Greece likely won't give us problems at first but almost certianly will when we take the northern cities, at the very least we'd need extra garrisons in those cities there.

Regardless i feel the Alliance should at least be researched, as far as we know they may not ask for much, but I feel that's unlikely. We won't know until we have an Embassy with them.
The newest Volume to the Military Manifest Book Series

Download the latest records here
Military Manifest Vol 2. 6/2/2003

  • New Features in Volume 2
  • Contains Every city currently in Fanatica
  • Contains a Count of Units in the open and units garrisoned
Great work, General Falcon. Between yourself and CivGeneral, it looks like the Military is in good hands this term. :goodjob:

I would only add that we bring back for upgrade the two Warriors that are currently guarding the roadworkers 2-3 tiles north of Aureus. We should only do this once we have a Legion sent to take over.

Also, I believe it would be more beneficial for us to engage in a simultaneous strike of Byblos and El Armana, and then have our trrops rendezvous in Byblos(or the patch of land where it once stood ;) ) to continue the mission as one. This would get some our of troops north faster, and should give us a better idea of what Egypt is sending our way,

What do you think?
I am interested in hearing the military department's assessment of some different war strategies. We have not decided what our goals for this war are. It may well be in our country's best interest to hold our legions in reserve to delay the triggering of our Golden Age until a more appropriate time. We may want to merely fight a short defensive war with warriors and spearmen and then make peace as soon as possible. We can always avenge ourselves on the cursed Egyptians when we are better prepared for a war. Can the military department tell us if such a short defensive war is possible?
There is a Military Dept. Sponsered Poll about what our goals shall be in this war, up now.

This includes taking a mostly defensive stance to delay our Golden Age, I ask that everyone participate in this poll.

Military Department Poll on War Goals against Cleo
Donsig, I believe such a defensive war is possible though I'm doubtful it will be short, the more defensive a war is the less the enemy looses as a result of that war and the less they are willing to get peace without a huge fine against us. I'd rather wage this war with no regard to delaying our Golden age, but I kinda agree it is too early for a Golden age. Though I hate sitting on my hands keeping our worst units upfront and potentially prolonging the war.

We could do some damage without Legions but that would require a stockpiling of Archers to be used offensively.
There is a Military Sponsered Discussion (Actualy self-sponsered, though it pretains to Not just the Military)

Victory Path - Discussion
@Donsig: Please use paragraphs. its terrible to read when evrything is packed together like that. Ive never seen u use a paragraph...
Originally posted by donsig
I am interested in hearing the military department's assessment of some different war strategies. We have not decided what our goals for this war are. It may well be in our country's best interest to hold our legions in reserve to delay the triggering of our Golden Age until a more appropriate time. We may want to merely fight a short defensive war with warriors and spearmen and then make peace as soon as possible. We can always avenge ourselves on the cursed Egyptians when we are better prepared for a war. Can the military department tell us if such a short defensive war is possible?
Originally posted by Sir John
@Donsig: Please use paragraphs. its terrible to read when evrything is packed together like that. Ive never seen u use a paragraph...

That was a paragraph...
Originally posted by Eklektikos


That was a paragraph...

:lol: You knew what i meant. Not as long paragraphs... Not that much text in only one paragraph! :p
Unfortunately I will not be able to attend the upcoming turn chat, I already have plans for that night, though I will be working tonight on the plans.
Please vote in the new Military Department sponcered Poll about what to do with our UU in relation to our Golden Age.

Legions AWAY!!! or not?
As of Last Night's turn chat El Amaran (sp?) was autorazed when our Legions marched on the city. We also have 8 legions (1 at 1/4 hp) ready to attempt an assault on Elephantine turn 1 of the next t/c. After that I hope to see what Cleo will offer for peace, if we don't like it, take Memphis and most likely stop there so long as the terms of peace are profitable.
I can see my plans I proposed is working nicely :). If they sue for peace early, we can save the plans and resume it in the future.
I apologize for my absence yesterday, and most of today, I was unable to post instructions because my internet suddenly went down 11:30 Sunday night and didn't come back on until just now.
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