Term 2 -- Science Department, toward the Middle Ages


Retired Moderator
Feb 2, 2003
Arizona, USA (it's a dry heat)
Welcome to the Science Department for DG3 Term 2. This is a pivotal time in our fledgling nation's history, as the discoveries of our sages will enable building of Great Wonders, unlock the mysteries of new more powerful unit types, permit the exploration of uncharted territories across the seas, and allow us to move to a new more efficient government type.

All citizens should feel free to drop by any time and give their input on the research we should pursue. You can expect to see discussions in the Citizens forum, and have a direct say in the Polls forum.

Science Leader: d8575 {looking for a better name ;) }
Deputy: Naervod EDIT: Naervod taking an extended break so Sir John is the next highest vote getter.
Chat Rep: applications being accepted

Link to previous term:
Term 1 science
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