Unit Native American Archer


May 30, 2003
New York
Ok here is a native american archer I made by using the bowman and pasting the head of the mounted warrior onto it ...... its not the best .... but it works...

Ok here it is with the updated version of the Native american Bowman all the files neede to run it are in the zip as well as the sound files Hope you enjoy ......


Oh all the probs I had with it at first are fixed the head still bobs slightly but nothing like before :D
Hope a like the new one


  • aibowmanattacka.gif
    64.2 KB · Views: 1,663
Oh for those who are just now looking at this thread for the first time the unit is completed just hit the link in my first post to d/l it I had some probs with the anims at first but its all fixed :D And for those who d/l'd the old one the death and all the bowman sound files are included in that file for easy use just add him into the civ III edit and put the folder in with the other units and your ready to roll.


  • nabowman3.zip
    57.5 KB · Views: 285
I only included Run Default Fortify and attack I havent completed the death flc I should finish that tomorrow .... and will put the Ini file in tomorrow as well .... unfortunately I cant upload them all at once ..:(


  • nabowmanattacka.gif
    57.8 KB · Views: 1,645
Why four files??? There is easy upload feature (at the bottom of this page) where you can upload file of any size.
He's a bit nervous or has hick-up, but beside that it's a fine cut'n paste work. :)
Better than mine, that's for sure.
does look nice, but I can't be arsed d/l 4 times. Could one of the 3 ppl who have downloaded it zip it up to 1 file and upload it?
Thanks Horse I appreciate it .... but like I said I dont feel its all that great Im gonna try and fix it up a bit but till then this will work ....
Originally posted by Varkasal
Thanks Horse I appreciate it .... but like I said I dont feel its all that great Im gonna try and fix it up a bit but till then this will work ....
no problem it still looks better than what i can do :rotfl:
I'll use this as vanilla musketman (or in my case arquebusier) replacement. it saves someone the time of making it and leaves the early american civs with less european flavor.
nice, execpt the arrow has some graphics bugs when he loading before firing:)
Hmmm.... just noticed this in the preview.

The East attack anim has a ghost arrow. He fires it and then it just stays there. is this due to the preview, me being stupid, or did he hit a small airborne insect?
It probably hit the east border... And then it stay there! Known pb with Flicster. The animation shall never touch the right limit of the frame, always give 2 pixels of transparent color here.
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