New Unit: Saab J35 Viggen


King of the Krauts
Nov 2, 2000
Download: (ca. 280 kb)

Below´s the death anim. This guy realised that a flame-out isn´t nice in a single engine jet, so he decided to eject :D

Unfortunately I had to cut off some of the last frames (compared to this gif preview) of this flc to make it work better in-game, but not much. Hope you like it :)

Edit: As we learned, it is called Saab J37 Viggen - not J35

Just edited this in to avoid further confusion ;)
YOU BET!! ... my keyboard is all wet.... very close to shortcircuit now! :D :D :D
... :goodjob: Bebro, as always! :D ... the swedish Airforce is one more unit close to completion! :D FANTASTIC! :worship: :worship:

AND LOOK at that outstanding death anim!! the catapult and all! ... so great... I ... gonna..... *fainted*

Well, you cannot have enough of it ;)

But I take constructive citricism too....;)
BeBro, can I use your F-22 in a M-unit I am making? It is your
F-22 being escorted by my Joint Strike Fighter. It is very realistic because one of the JSF's primary roles is to escort and compliment the F-22.
Of course you can use it, just a credit in the readme or so would be nice ;)
haha nice swedish jet but I wonder if I should make it range 1 cruise missile because in real life it can't fly very long before crashing
Originally posted by Kyborgi
haha nice swedish jet but I wonder if I should make it range 1 cruise missile because in real life it can't fly very long before crashing

:eek: :eek: :eek: ... now where did that come from????

And BeBro, its J37 Viggen. not 35 ;) ... so it will not be any confusions when the J35 Draken comes ... if it comes that is :D
Well, I looked up in a dictionary, there was written: good, better, bebro :goodjob: *****
Originally posted by OmniMower

And BeBro, its J37 Viggen. not 35 ;)

Umm, yes, messed up the name - you´re of course right, should be J37 ;)

Any chance of you making that A10 soon?

Veeeeery soon :) I plan to release it tomorrow :D It was fast work because I found a model on the net, I only had to rework it a bit :)
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