Screenshot of the Day #139: Cattle Bomber

So that's how they make ground beef...
Taking a look at the mini-map, I'm confused. Did GOTM18 not have the ability to win by domination on? Or did Strobe continue to play after he won? Or what?
Originally posted by Thunderfall
For some reason my bomber has taken a real dislike to the local cattle and refuses to go back to base. The shot is from GOTM18.

Thanks to Strobe for the screenshot.

Shouldn't that be a real love for the local cattle??

The first question I have(which was already voiced) is............. how the hell didn't you win by domination already??
Maybe he didn't have enough population.:lol: :lol: :lol:

It would be funny to run that save through the calculator and find out how few tiles he needed left for Domination were, it's got to be close. The boys in the Chick-Fil-A bomber were probably curious, too.
maybey the plane got stuck in a tornado with cows fliing around!
Originally posted by superslug
Maybe he didn't have enough population.:lol: :lol: :lol:
Population doesn't matter in domination; only territory does. What you might be thinking of is the UN, where IIRC to be a candidate you either have to have either the UN, 1/3 of the world's land, or 1/3 of the population, unless no one does, in which the country with the UN goes up against the largest contender.

Anyway, I don't think that's "close" to domination; it seems like it's already passed it, even if you count the water (do you?). Maybe he just continued to play after winning?

But anyway, cool screenie. :thumbsup: But GK is right, it should be a "real love" for the cattle.
Originally posted by cgannon64
That must have taken serious milking to time that right. :eek:
Maybe that's what this is all about, the bomber is milking the cow! :hmm:
It's times like these I'm glad I'm a vegeterian.

Maybe the pilot of the bomber missread his orders: Instead of "Bomb the minefield", he read "Bomb the cow field". :lol:
Population doesn't matter in domination

Domination requires 2/3 of the map's territory and 2/3 of the planet's population...
It's like how the Aliens in "Mars Attacks!" toast the cows -- except with a bomber...

Perhaps the pilot was out on a mission and couldn't be bothered returning home to find the nearest burger bar.

Or more likely -- considering that it's near London -- the cattle have Mad Cow Disease and the pilot got infected... ;)
I think he played after he won, because to have 2/3rds of the population he'd have to have 48 or more population (because the 2 enemy cities left each have 12 population) and looking at the minimap, he's got more than 48 cities.

therefore, he won by domination.
This is like one of my modded games (which I don't have a screen shot to :o :mad: ) The the enemy rider just stood there for the whole turn swinging its sword at nothing. And the rider was also near England.
"Look out the attack of the cows are coming. They are infecteing all soldiers with the Mad cow disease (of that disease where you can't stop moving your body like michael J. Fox:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by superslug
Domination requires 2/3 of the map's territory and 2/3 of the planet's population...
Oopsie, you're right... :blush:
lol, i can do that my self!!!! tell me how to take a scren shoot and post a pic, and ill give u one

what he did must be a glic! wow its realy diserving of pic of the day lol :D
this looks awfully familiar to another SOTD...
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