Very small animation modification: More realistic Mech Infantry attack


Dec 27, 2002
Somewhere else
O.K, this took me about 5 minutes. It's just the MEch Infantry firing an anti-tank missile. No sounds or anything like that at the moment. Soon there will be an attack B with machine gun-things.

Hope you enjoy this fabulously easy to do piece of animation:)

Vanilla Civ:Download
Download this as well: Attack A

Conquests users: Download this instead

Thanks to Pawel for compiling the conquests version.

Previews: (ignore Sims2789's: it isn't the right thing.)
Attack A:

Attack B:


Its firing an anti-tank missile. Apaparently I messed this one up anyway so later on I'll be posting a modified one...

Great job! :goodjob: Finally the Bradley attack looks like it should have from the beginning! One tiny detail, though. When you updated the missile attack, you forgot to remove the missile that comes from the gun barrel in the W and S views. But this is a very minor thing, really. ;)
Originally posted by The TMT
I've been away for a week. I'll fix it immediately.

already done! :)
If you didn't notice, it WAS done immediately (believe it or not *lazy*) before you posted (see the first post)!
Thanks anyway! :)


EDIT: I just noticed. Pawel, I took the missile shown on the prewiew sims2789 posted OFF. Is that what I was meant to do?
Yes, that is what I meant. In version two the missile is coming out of the box on the turret side just as it is supposed to! :thumbsup: My earlier remark about the W (and perhaps S) direction of the new animation is that it looks in FLICster as if there are two missiles launched - one from the box and one from the barrel, but this is very a minor point. And I really like the automatic cannon attack! It looks much more like a real Bradley!
I think I understand the source of my confusion now. :) When you uploaded the fixed version of the missile attack, you used the old file name. Now, this file was not overwritten, but a '1' was added at the end (before the extension). The correct link to the new version is thus Attack A.
Since the release of Conquests adds some new possibilities to use this animation, which despite some problems with the preview above is a great improvement on the original, I decided to post this updated version (using the original graphics by TMT).

Download the updated version here! (160 KB)

It contains a link to the sound file in one of the Conquests, and can be used without overwriting any of the original files.

The installation procedure is simple.

Unzip the zip file to the directory:
Civilization III\Conquests\Art\Units
No files will be overwritten.
If you want to revert to the original attack animation, just remove the directory:
Civilization III\Conquests\Art\Units\Mech Infantry
If you want to use this attack animation for another version of the unit to be used together with the original, simply rename the directory and the .ini file in it to, for instance, Mechanized Infantry.

This information is also provided in the zip file.
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