DyP unit pack #1


Dec 17, 2001
Toledo, Ohio
Well, I'm working with Kal-el and some others unit makers to create units needed for Kal-el's Double Your Pleasure mod, the DyP. Anyway, Kal-el has developed some concept art for the units and has entrusted us unit makers to bring the units to life. These are the first four units that I have made specifically for the DyP. I'm planning on releasing more units in the future; they will also be released in groups of four of five units as they are finished. I believe that these new units are my best efforts yet for making human units--both the models and the animations--and they fit very well into the overall artistic feel of CivIII. I know that there are no CivIII-scale previews, so you'll just have to trust me on this one.

I hope all of you will enjoy these units!

This is the Siamese Swordsman. Download.

This is the Polynesian Warrior. Download.

This is the Greek Swordsman. Download.

This is the Bushi. Download.
Very cool!
Could we get some information about these units? I know who the greeks and the polynesians were, but what about the siamese? And the Bushi?
Wow, great! Good to see you back here, the Greek is my favourite :)

Good job! :)
Nice job, man. Can't wait to see these in my next game of DyP. :)

edit for spelking.
They look excellent! Do you mind if I borrow them for Steph's mod?
I'll propably use them differently : Polynesian can be an African spearman, Siamese used for India (as I don't have the Siam civilization).

Is it possible to have an idea of the units which are being done? So we can start to plan how to use them?
Originally posted by Steph
... Is it possible to have an idea of the units which are being done? So we can start to plan how to use them?

I guess you could look and see what units still need to be made for DyP and extrapolate from there as to which units might be underconstruction. Or you could look for all of Kal-el's unit requests and see what he has been asking for. I guess since he has been asking for pretty much everything that might not be all that helpful. :crazyeye:
Originally posted by Steph
Is it possible to have an idea of the units which are being done? So we can start to plan how to use them?

I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you. ;) Well, I can tell you that I have two more models made that need to be animated, I'm formulating ideas for a third model, and there are plenty of Kal-el's requests to choose from for fourth or fifth models.

I think we'll keep it quiet for now.
Bushi is Japanese for Warrior, hence Bushido is the Way of the Warrior.
Originally posted by Madeira
Very cool!
Could we get some information about these units? I know who the greeks and the polynesians were, but what about the siamese? And the Bushi?

Siamese = Thai

Utah : definitely nice to see you did not stop "completely" ... !
:goodjob: :goodjob:
The essence of coolness. :goodjob:
I love the Bushi Fortify flc it is the coolist:goodjob:
Thanks guys!
I'll just use the bushi warrior as an oriental (chinese) swordsman since the japanese allready have a bunch of unique units (from ptw's extra pack). And the polynesian warrior also. Looking forward to the next pack :)
My favorite is that Siamese Swordsman. Don't mess with that guy!!

Great units!
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