Succession game, regent, Vanilla Civ3


Civ Playa
Jun 26, 2003
Varies depending on my Civilization
Sup, everybody?
New Info here
Level: Regent
Version: Vanilla Civ3 (I don't have PTW, bc I'm waiting for C3C)
Map: Standard. Default climate, barbs. Continents, IIRC. We'll find out.
Enemies: 7 random rival civs.
Victory Conditions: Diplomacy and Cultural are disabled, anything else is fair game.
Our Civ: Persia
Goal: Pimp-slap the AI.
Time Limits: We'll go a 24/72 got it, played.
Andvruss - just played
Ghengis Kahn-up now
Infoman-on deck

We got a pretty good start position, I think. Here's what it looks like.

I'm in as well
Awesome guys. Be sure to tell me which civ(s) you want to play, and what you want the map to be like. Then we'll attempt to work out something. I've got a lot of free time up until the 22, then starting the 23 i'm gone for a week (y'all can skip me during that week). However, once i get back to school, I can blow off homework and play all the civ i can. I'll leave the game open a little while longer to see if anybody else wants to join, then we'll get down to business.
Standard is fine with me.

I like the Persians, but whoever is also fine with me.
Persians are fine with me. As a matter of fact, they're my favorite civ, because of the industrious and scientific traits. I'll probably just go default on the rest of the map settings, like climate and warmth. I was hoping we'd get at least one more. But I think we can do three.
Looks like it's the persians as their scientific as preffered already & industrial(my fav). All other setting besides map size random(fine with me)?? Standard map size(open for debate).

Victory Conditions: Diplomacy is disabled (I think it's cheap)
Our Civ: Open for discussion. I prefer scientific civs for the free advances and cheap libraries.
Goal: Pimp-slap the AI.

Since we signed up for "diplomacy is cheap & pimp slap the AI" lets go with a no haggling for trades & no UN/cultural victory variant. Make it a challenge!
Pretty good?? Thats a great start! A cattle & 2 bonus grasses ALL on a river! Very nice! All we need is a lux & we're set.

So whats the verdict on the varients? Or do you wanna just play a straight game?

If you're hesitant to take the first turns I'd love to with a start like that. But it's your SG, I'll take 2nd turns as well.

Whats the game plan to start with? Pottery first at 100% for a granery(my choice) followed with reserching iron working slowly & trading what we can.
I have played Civ III some. All my victories have been diplomatic
on Regent so this should be good. I have tried playing othe SG's in the past but work & RL got in way. So I am back to try again. I like the Persians also.

Is this plain Civ III, not PTW? Which patch is in use?
Infoman, you're in. This is Civ3 patch 1.29. I don't own PTW, so I couldn't use it. I went ahead and played the first 20. I don't know what you mean by no haggling, Ghengis, so I didn't trade anything. (not that I would have gotten a great deal, anyhow) Here's my 20:

4000 BC. Good start with a couple BG and a cow. Move worker NW onto cow, revealing another cow, and possible costal location. Move settler east, so that we don't found the city on a BG.

3950 BC. Persepolis founded, building Warrior. Worker begins road on cow. Set research on max for pottery (12 turns). Persepolis is founded on the coast.

3900 BC. Boring.

3850 BC. Worker finishes road, provides commerce boost and knocks some turns off pottery. Now irrigating cow.

3700 BC. All's quiet.

3750 BC. Worker finishes irrigation and moves to other cow.

3700 BC. Worker begins road, Persepolis builds warrior, starts another warrior. Warrior moves east to explore.

3650 BC. Persepolis grows. Exploring.

3600 BC. Exploring. Road finished, building mine. Persepolis is at +5 food. More exploring.

3550 BC. Persepolis builds another warrior. I send him NE exploring. Pottery in one turn, so I'm able to drop our research back to 80% for a whopping income of one gold. Whoohoo!

3500 BC. Discover Pottery, set research to CB on full (7 turns).

3450 BC. Worker finishes mining cow, I move him to improve a nearby BG. Cultural borders expand.

3400 BC. Persepolis grows, builds warrior, starts settler. Fortify warrior in Persepolis.

3350 BC. Yawn.

3300 BC. Meet the English. Liz has alphabet to our masonry and BW, but she won't trade. Oh, well.

3250 BC. Pop a hut, learn warrior code. All in all a good deal.

3200 Bc. CB in one turn, so I drop the research all the way back to 20%.

3150 BC. Persepolis builds settler, starts granary. Learn CB, so I choose Mysticism at 90% (19 turns). It's cheap, and we should be able to trade it to the other AI's if we want. Send settler SE to found a new city. Find furs, our first luxury.

3100 BC. See English border, not far from furs. Might do to race a settler there.

3050 BC. Yawn.

As for strategy, I'm going for monarchy and IW so that we can get the most for our GA. I've researched stuff fast, which usually works for me on regent. The map is below. I intended to settle the red dot with our settler. The blue dots are other places I thought might be worth settling soon. Ghengis, you might want to explore to the south a bit, see if there aren't some furs down there. Otherwise, it's on you.

And the save:
Save 3050

Rock on! :band:
The south is sketchy. I doubt theres a lux in the tundra but maybe theres a couple huts down there. I definatly want to know what the bottom of out island looks like though. I pity a civ if its below us stuck on a penisula in the tundra:lol: I'll scout it out, & pray.

What I ment by no haggling was that if the AI aproaches you with a trade we either accept it or don't. No offering something else. If they ask for a "generous gift" we decline. "Pay those diplomatic slime our hard earned money?? No way!"

It's up to everyone though.

Got it. I'll play tonight, but I won't have time to post till after work.
Pretty routine set of turns. Since I didn't know if we were going for the "No haggling" or not I didn't just in case.

T1 3050- Found Pasargadae.

It- Palace upgrades. yadayada completes the history of the world......... We're the most advanced, followed by Aztecs. English is in 4th.

T2- :sleep:

T3 2900- :sleep:

T4- Cant whip granery in yet, wanted to get it out before pop increases for max benifit. :sleep:

T5 2800- With a warrior next to London, Lizzy gladly forks over Alphabet & 10 gold so we don't destroy their pathetic city. Still Masonry & WC ahead. Start on IW 90%, due in 15.

IT- Pars: Warrior->War

T6- Pers unhappy. Set lux to 10% to prevent disorder.

T7 2710- The Bantu people impressed by our elite civilization agree to teach us about the Wheel[dance]

T8 2670- :sleep:

T9- English still have only 1 city. No other contacts. Looks like we're stuck on the bottom of a continent/an island, with Lizzy only to deal with. Too easy:lol:

T10 2590- Spot incence in jungle far to the NE. I definatly think its an island. If so liz will go down in about 15 turns(after our peace treaty expires). IronWorking due in 10. Immortals RULE!! Liz finally has 2 cities.

**Lux will have to be bumped up next turn(for 1 turn only till settler is produced). Pas will build warrior next turn, I think we should drop a barracks & use it to produce MU for a while.**

*Settle next city on hill N of river, next to game & bonus grassland IMHO. But make sure the settler is escorted. I've ran into sum barbs already, and losing a settler would be detrimental! The warrior about to be produced in Pars will be perfect for this:D

Good luck!! Save
I will try and not dissapoint anyone.

GK, please check the save link. I was getting a can not dispay web page message.
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