I have performed a test to have a better insight in the rate of success of techology stealing. For that test I used a PBEM game that reached the end of the Industrial Age (Jack Merchant - Aggie). This game had 'Preserve Random Seed' switched off. I simply reloaded the game 100 times per situation I wanted to test. I know that for a certain result I probably should have choosen to test every situation a 1000 times, but that would take to much of my precious time. This was done in PTW, patch 1.27.
I tested the following situations:
- Stealing safely with a diplomat
- Stealing carefully with a diplomat
- Stealing immediately with a diplomat
- Stealing safely with a spy while in Republic
- Stealing safely with a spy while in Republic and at war
- Stealing carefully with a spy while in Republic
- Stealing immediately with a spy while in Republic
- Stealing safely with a spy while in Communism
- Stealing carefully with a spy while in Communism
- Stealing immediately with a spy while in Communism
- Stealing immediately with a spy while in Communism and at war
These are the results:
-----------------------------------------got away--caught
safely (diplomat)-----------------49--------15-------36
safely (spy, Republic)------------68--------12-------20
safely (spy, Republic, war)-------64--------20-------16
safely (spy, Communism)-----------77--------18--------5
safely (spy, Communism, war)------84--------11--------5
carefully (diplomat)--------------51---------9-------40
carefully (spy, Republic)---------65--------12-------23
carefully (spy, Communism, war)---63--------21-------16
immediately (diplomat)------------29--------11-------60
immediately (spy, Republic)-------41--------11-------48
immediately (spy, Communism, war)-58--------10-------32
Things that strike me about the results:
1. When at peace with the party you want to steal a technology from, always choose to steal a technology with the spy and NOT with the diplomat! This is very tricky, because when you open the espionage screen, you will see the diplomat options, including the steal option:
When you choose the spy option, you pay the same amount of cash for the attempt, but the chances are higher! When you fail and get caught, you will lose the spy in both cases!
The espionage screen with espionage option checked:
2. Communist spies steal better than republic spies. I didn't test spies from other governments, but I would expect the same results for democracy and monarchy as for republic (all three have regular spies while communism has veteran ones).
3. Although I did test it only for safely stealing: a spy has about the same chance of success in war as it has in peace.
4. You have about the same chance of success when stealing carefully as stealing safely in republic, both with and without a spy. Safely stealing increases the chance of survival after a failed attempt though. A communist spy has a higher rate of success while stealing safely (than stealing carefully).
Below are the games I used for the technolgy steal test. I stole from France.
Tech Steal test saves
Feel free to comment. I know that I should have done more attempts to have less uncertainty about the results. But still these figures give you a nice insight and certainly should be informative.
EDIT: changed the rate of failure for immediate, spy, republic to 48 (typing error)
I tested the following situations:
- Stealing safely with a diplomat
- Stealing carefully with a diplomat
- Stealing immediately with a diplomat
- Stealing safely with a spy while in Republic
- Stealing safely with a spy while in Republic and at war
- Stealing carefully with a spy while in Republic
- Stealing immediately with a spy while in Republic
- Stealing safely with a spy while in Communism
- Stealing carefully with a spy while in Communism
- Stealing immediately with a spy while in Communism
- Stealing immediately with a spy while in Communism and at war
These are the results:
-----------------------------------------got away--caught
safely (diplomat)-----------------49--------15-------36
safely (spy, Republic)------------68--------12-------20
safely (spy, Republic, war)-------64--------20-------16
safely (spy, Communism)-----------77--------18--------5
safely (spy, Communism, war)------84--------11--------5
carefully (diplomat)--------------51---------9-------40
carefully (spy, Republic)---------65--------12-------23
carefully (spy, Communism, war)---63--------21-------16
immediately (diplomat)------------29--------11-------60
immediately (spy, Republic)-------41--------11-------48
immediately (spy, Communism, war)-58--------10-------32
Things that strike me about the results:
1. When at peace with the party you want to steal a technology from, always choose to steal a technology with the spy and NOT with the diplomat! This is very tricky, because when you open the espionage screen, you will see the diplomat options, including the steal option:
When you choose the spy option, you pay the same amount of cash for the attempt, but the chances are higher! When you fail and get caught, you will lose the spy in both cases!
The espionage screen with espionage option checked:
2. Communist spies steal better than republic spies. I didn't test spies from other governments, but I would expect the same results for democracy and monarchy as for republic (all three have regular spies while communism has veteran ones).
3. Although I did test it only for safely stealing: a spy has about the same chance of success in war as it has in peace.
4. You have about the same chance of success when stealing carefully as stealing safely in republic, both with and without a spy. Safely stealing increases the chance of survival after a failed attempt though. A communist spy has a higher rate of success while stealing safely (than stealing carefully).
Below are the games I used for the technolgy steal test. I stole from France.
Tech Steal test saves
Feel free to comment. I know that I should have done more attempts to have less uncertainty about the results. But still these figures give you a nice insight and certainly should be informative.
EDIT: changed the rate of failure for immediate, spy, republic to 48 (typing error)