Unit: Ancient Egyptian Galley.


Jan 27, 2003
Planet Baal
I've decided to redo this unit, since the sail symbols do not show clearly on egypt colour (yellow). New sail colour suggestions will be appreciated. When I get home, I'll do some different options, and post them in the preview thread on the C&C forum. When the new version is done, It will be posted here in this post.

Thank you. :)

:egypt: :egypt: :egypt: :egypt: :egypt:

The egyptian galley (used 2500BC - 1300BC), used mainly in the river Nile.



Since the previous version of this unit did not show very well the civ-specific colour of egypt (yellow) :lol: , I decided to remake this unit, with a different coloured sail. I think it looks better this way - or you can decide ;)

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That is one of THE coolest units I have ever seen! :worship:
I'm currently making a Persian Wars mod, but when I do my Egyptian mod next, I'm definitely using it! (Don't worry, I'll give ya credit ;) ) Good job! :goodjob:
Another classic from aaglo!

I think it's safe to say that because of the astounding efforts of our esteemed creators, unit creation is at an all-time peak!

Thanks for keeping the game as great as it can be, dudes! :goodjob:
LPBP - what's those other ships in your screenshot? I don't think I've seen them before.
Originally posted by thestonesfan
LPBP - what's those other ships in your screenshot? I don't think I've seen them before.

It's a Transport ship I made for the next GLC release (but I'm affraid not as good as aaglo's units :( )
Neither have i LPBP what is it? and well done aaglo your units are certainly amoung the best. You unit creators are the only reason i keep playing civ 3 at all
Thanks for the kind words, people ;)

LPBP - about that egyptian transport.

It looks very nice - especially the sail :egypt: . I would correct just one thing - the shadow is a bit too dark (almost black), so it spoils a bit the look of that ship... I think it could be handled with a rather simple palette change (but I'm only guessing here)
Originally posted by aaglo
Thanks for the kind words, people ;)

LPBP - about that egyptian transport.

It looks very nice - especially the sail :egypt: . I would correct just one thing - the shadow is a bit too dark (almost black), so it spoils a bit the look of that ship... I think it could be handled with a rather simple palette change (but I'm only guessing here)

In fact a simple palette change would affect the entiere boat since it has some black in his body too :(
zulu, I know, but since LBPB requested this ship, and I happened to make such example, and he fell in love with it ;)

No, actually there were ceremonial ships with the same curve on both ends.

Now, for the more serious part -
Should I do the unit again? The yellow colour does not show very well (if not at all) in the sail. I would like to make the sail a bit lighter, so that the ankh really shows.
I didn't do very good job, since I think the yellow is the only civ-colour that doesn't show well in that unit - and the egyptians are always yellow... :lol:
Then by all means do it again! (God money did ask for a darker sail back in the early stages, ya know. :))As long as it doesn't mean the Kogge will be scrapped bye and bye...
No, kogge won't be scrapped...

I was thinking about lighter sail... well, I'll try some, and see which one would be better. Propably a darker sail (and a bit reddish) would be better.

Sail color suggestions are appreciated ;)
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