Unit: New Airbase Graphics


on steam: ekmek_e
Aug 7, 2002
San Diego, California
This is an animated Airbase graphic using Firaxis Industrial age airbase. I added an animated flag. I use it as a ground based aircraft carrier.

1 Problem is that as a transport it cant be loaded on naval transports (unless conquests fixes this)

2) if you make it immobile and then paradrop it I added a worker animation to "build" the airfield but I think the immobility prevents it from going back to default. Anyone else have this problem?

UPDATE: I fixed problem #2 by added a default frame at the last picture. I think the speed might be too fast let me know
EDIT: I'm a completely wrong person.
Aaargh, now I get it! :wallbash: I'm so stupid.
Originally posted by SpincruS
I guess you should have posted this on the "graphics modpacks" forum instead of this.

No he shouldn't. It *is* a unit.
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