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The City of Alexandria


Citizen @ Large
Sep 9, 2003
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
The City of Alexandria

Welcome to the ancient city of Alexandria. It was captured from the Egyptians in <date>

As the new Mayor of Alexandria, I pledge to take good care of its citizens and support our province and nation.

Alexandria is a growing city in the Cælian province.

As Alexandria is a thriving city, and one day will grow into a large metropolis. On the outskirts of our Grand Nation,

Alexandria is home to:

- Nobody of importance yet.

Mayor: TerminalMan90

Labourer Reassignments:

No labourer movement required

Build queue:

Research Lab
Harbor (moved up to increase food/gold production in sea squares)
Granary (Seriously doubt we will get this far before launch)
:o Teddy bear? :o

It was the smallest gif I could find, and it came from my wife's collection of pics. Sorry for the 'OT' post

I was trying to upload a screen shot, but I couldn't get the file size low enough. Any help?

Upload it to the Upload file and then use image tags.
Originally posted by TerminalMan90
Worker Assignment (1715):

Move workers from wheat special square, grassland square and one of the mined squares (is there a numbering convention?) to the coastal squares. Remove one worker for balanced happiness.

Reason: Since we are in Civil Disorder already, there will be no production of shields and citizens will feed themselves first (no storage of grain). This optimization gives the nation 3 extra gold at no cost.

Next turn, when order is restored, move workers back to the mine squares to get that cathedral finished!

If there are extra workers available, I would like to commission them to mine an additional square to increase shield production over food production. I assume that since a hospital is not in the build queue, city growth was not desired by the mayor before me.
I must ponder this more.

Build queue as of 1715:



Lets use this reference if you need to be very clear:

And please be careful with your wording. When in the city view screen, those are Laborers that are assigned to the various tiles. Workers are the actual units that improve tiles with roads, irrations, etc.

Your plans look fine. However, it is up to you if you think a Hospital is due. It would allow more coast tiles to be worked, generating more commerce, but requires more attention to happiness and delayes the building of other city improvements.
Dear Mayor:

The Military Leader has requested that Cælian build 3 transports in preperation of Operation Steal Spices. I would like Alexandria to change the current production to a transport afterwhich the city will continue on its current build queue. Let me know if you have any objections.
Governor Zorven,

I see no reason to obstruct Operation Steal Spice. I have read the governmental memos on this operation and am aware of the dissenting voices.

I am somewhat concerned about holding the toe-hold on Japan's continent. I do think that the chance of a culture flip is exaggerated, however.

In support of this effort, however, after the recent riots in Alexandria, I am not willing to risk trading with Japan for said spices and having them renege on their agreements.

To that end, I am willing to switch from the badly needed Cathedral and re-tool for building a transport. I must choose my words carefully when I inform his grace the Bishop. ;)

Cost of a transport is 296 if it is rushed (in the 2nd turn of the turnchat, since Alexandria is in civil disorder). I trust, once I have regained control of the riots, the treasury will aid us in expediting this sudden change of production.

FYI, 26 shields are currently invested in a Cathedral which would have been completed in 11 turns. I haven't checked how much it would cost to rush the Cathedral.

I will update my build queue to reflect this objective change.

Alexandria rallies to support Fanatica and this important operation.

Mayor of Alexandria,

Citizens of Alexandria and Greater Fanatica,

This last TC, lots of action was focused on the Eastern province and Alexandria in particular. A transport was rushed in aid of the successful Operation Spice.

There were three more rushes supported by Fanatica's treasury department, finishing off Alexandria's build queue.

The intelligence I have received indicates that the transport produced in Alexandria was lost with all hands in a heated battle against a badly damaged Japanese frigate. Alexandria morns the loss of the valient seamen and women who gave their lives in this gloriously successful mission.

Long Live Fanatica,

Mayor of Alexandria,

Governer Zorven,

See updated build queue above. What about a factory? I want Alexandria to be a part of the spaceship when we have the technology, but I don't want to cause too much pollution. I there policy on this somewhere?

Mayor of Alexandria,

Mayor TerminalMan90,

There is no policy as far as what you may build. However, keep in mind that it is doubtful that Alexandria would be able to have enough shield output to be a viable production center for spacecraft parts. As such, I beleive your focus should be on improvements that aid the Science Department and the Treasury.
Alexandria is on the verge of riots again. This problem, however, is amended if the lux slider is moved to 10%. As there are other cities that have a more serious problem and the current proposal is to move the slider as high as 40%, I don't think riots will be happening in this fair city.

As for the build queue, the bank we are currently producing will be done half way through the next turn chat. Zorven has vetoed my citys growth plan because, I presume, he predicted problems keeping this distant city productive and happy with more population.

Keeping this in mind, I propose switching to wealth after the bank is completed or additional military units if required by the military leader.

Build queue updated above.
Mayor TerminalMan90,

It seems that some of your city's paperwork was, um, "misplaced". I see from your las post that you had planned on some growth improvements, but that my office did not act accordingly. Please let me know what you desire for a build queue and I will see about accomodating the grand city of Alexandria.

Your Governor,
As you can see in my build queue near the top of the thread, I had planned Granary, Hospital, Harbor in order to build the population in Alexandria.

None of these improvements need to be rushed. I am not sure what science/wealth improvements are/will be available that could be substituted.
The special interest groups in Alexandria are shouting outside Mayors office today. They are demanding that we take part in the SS construction.

Since there are no defence contracts being awarded to small cities like Alexandria, I have decided to mollify them by inserting a Research lab into my build queue (see above).

That way, we can produce quality scientists and research papers in support of the SS projects.

Govenor Zorven, please adjust our build queue.

(I tried last night to post and it wouldn't go through. 2nd try).
I just read some wonderful news!

...from his hotel suite in Alexandria, Donovan Zoi wondered if it was too late to right these wrongs...

Welcome, Donovan Zoi, previous President, to Alexandria, city of the ancients. I can think of no better place for you to settle than this sea-side city. Can I interest you in some real-estate?

Perhaps you are concerned with the War with Japan? From what I hear, this war is over (unlike the Bush Administration's 6 month non-war you may have read about in fanatican popular fiction).

Welcome to Alexandria and enjoy your stay here.
Thank you for your hospitality, Mayor T90. :) I will always remember my stay here, and look forward to visiting in the near future.

As it turns out, I will probably just be passing through. I already have two homes -- one in Gorina and one in Ingolemondor. However, never underestimate the power of a government pension. I may be able to afford a third home after all. :D

In the meantime, can you assess your happiness situation and see if placing Hospital/Harbor first in queue makes sense? Your city is poised for major growth if your people will allow it. And Banks and Research Centers will be much more valuable once you gain control of those Harbor tiles.

Thanks again for allowing me to stay in your wonderful city. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask. My words don't carry as much weight as the used to, but I can still be pretty persuasive if I feel the cause is just.


Donovan Zoi
Humble Guest
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