stomNES : The Final Frontier

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Goose Caller
Oct 17, 2003
Updates will be every 48 hours, this NES is verrrrry fast paced.

You can choose any civilization or make up your own. The Rules are simple. Everything you do in the game will have an outcome.

Stories are helpful in random events, the better the story the better the outcomes.

NPCs will get stronger each turn. Dont underestimate the power of NPCs.

This NES will continue far beyond the present age. It will expand to new worlds etc. FUTURE>


Each Economy Level will give you that many Economy Points per turn. However you may not stockpile your EP. Each turn your EP will not be saved from what you did not use the previous turn. So each turn use up ALL your EP. Say your Economy Level is 1, then each turn you receive 1 economy point per turn. If your Economy Level is 2, then each turn you receive 2 economy points per turn. To increase Economy Level you must dedicate one turn to increase Economy Level. If you increase Economy Level it is the only thing you can do that turn.



Culture will effect the way other NPC's see you. If you have high culture, then they will be more likely to join your nation than if you had a low culture, they would attack your nation. Culture also increases expansion.


Wonders can be built whenever, I will choose length of building.

Military & Navy

To increase Military spend an "Economy Point" to make a new army. In the Iron Age, armies will be able to be built by the number of cities you have. Ex. If you have 10 cities and at least 10 Economy Level you can build 10 armies in 1 turn!



Also When Armies are in Battle, they can gain experience by winning battles.


Expansion can happen by Culture increase, Military battles, or you can send groups to search foreign lands. Go down to the Guide: Prices and see which kinds of expansion expeditions are available. You can also move your armies, but that is a very slow expansion option.


1 Education is needed to start research in the Stone Age. 10 Education is needed to advance to Bronze Age and start researching Bronze Age technologies.


Population will automatically increase by 10 each turn. If agriculture or fishing is researched population will increase faster.

Population will give a free army every time it reaches 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500....etc.

Every 50 citizens can hold 1 army. 200 people (Nation can have max 4 armies)

Citizens Moods

The better the citizens moods, the faster a wonder can complete.
To increase Citizens Moods, Hold a festival or parade in your capitial and the Citizens Moods will increase.

We love the King Day!


Each government adds special increases to a nation. If the nation is militaristic then they will gain armies each time they advance in age.

Ages (To advance to Bronze Age = 5 Education , 5 Economy Lvl)

Stone Age - Germans, Mayans, Romans, Russians, Chinese, Austrians, Nodorians, Mongolians
Iron Age
Classical Age
Middle Ages
Imperial Age
Industrial Age
Modern Age
Space Age
Expansion Age
The New World Age
more will come.......

Research Stone Age Research Currently Available

Military Training Lvl 1 - Increases Military Training +1: Cost 2 EP
Military Training Lvl 2 - Increases Military Training +1: Cost 2 EP

Agriculture Lvl 1 - Increase Population by 50 each turn: Cost 1 EP
Fishing Lvl 1 - Increase Population by 50 each turn: Cost 1 EP


Guide - Prices

Military Increase - 1 turn Prices BELOW

Army = Cost 1 EP
Army of UU's = Cost 2 EP

Wonder Building - 0/? FREE

Education Increase- 1 turn Cost 1 EP

Economy Increase - 1 turn (+1 economy level)

Expansion Increase - 1 turn Prices BELOW

Send Group of Settlers to Expand = Cost 1 EP

Population Increase - 1 turn Cost 1 EP

Culture Increase - 1 turn Cost 1 EP

Mood Increase - 1 turn Prices BELOW

Parade = Cost 1 EP
Tournament = Cost 2 EP
Grand Festival = Cost 3 EP



Culture: 0
Wonders: None
Economy Level: 1
Education: 0
Population: 100
Military: 1 Army of monkeys (1,1)
Citizens Mood: Content
Current Age: Stone
Research Done: 0

*Special Thanks To: Amirsan and ArbitraryGuy*
Nation: Maya
Ruler: Tenoku Yetsan
Government: Religious Despotism (+1 Culture)
Culture: 1
Wonders: None
Economy Level: 2
Education: 1
Population: 240
Cities: 4
Military: 1 Army of Peasants (3,3)
Citizens Mood: Content
Current Age: Stone
Research Done: Military Research Lvl 1, Military Research Lvl 2

Erik Mesoy
Nation: China
Ruler: Jespasian
Government: Literary Tyranny (+1 Education)
Culture: 1
Wonders: None
Economy Level: 5
Education: 3
Population: 720
Cities: 3
Military: 4 Armies of monkeys (1,1)
Citizens Mood: Content
Current Age: Stone
Research Done: Fishing Lvl 1, Agriculture Lvl 1

Nation: Rome
Ruler: Romulus & Remus
Government: Dual Monarchy (+1 Culture)
Culture: 1
Wonders: None
Economy Level: 3
Education: 3
Population: 780
Cities: 6
Military: 5 Armies of farmers (2,2) , 1 Navy
Citizens Mood: Furious
Current Age: Stone
Research Done: Agriculture Lvl 1, Fishing Lvl 1, Military Research Lvl 1

Nation: Germany
Ruler: The Great Spacer
Government: Tribal Depostism (Increases Citizens Mood)
Culture: 0
Wonders: None
Economy Level: 3
Education: 3
Population: 370
Cities: 5
Military: 4 Armies of Peasants (3,3)
Citizens Mood: Happy
Current Age: Stone
Research Done: Military Training Lvl 1, Agriculture Lvl 1, Military Training Lvl 2

Nation: Russia
Ruler: King Mir
Government: Absolute Monarchy (+1 Army)
Culture: 3
Wonders: None
Economy Level: 4
Education: 2
Population: 230
Cities: 2
Military: 3 Armies of Farmers (2,2)
Citizens Mood: Content
Current Age: Stone
Research Done: Agriculture Lvl 1, Military Training Lvl 1


Nation: Nodorains (Middle Europe)
Ruler: Zodo
Government: Ciharn Culture
Culture: 3
Wonders: None
Economy Level: 2
Education: 2
Population: 160
Cities: 3
Military: 3 Armies of Farmers
Citizens Mood: Happy
Current Age: Stone
Research Done: Military Research Lvl 1

Nation: Mongolians (Asia)
Ruler: Ikian
Government: Expanulter
Culture: 2
Wonders: None
Economy Level: 1
Education: 1
Population: 30
Cities: 1
Military: 1 Army of Monkeys
Citizens Mood: Revolt
Current Age: Stone
Research Done: 0

Nation: Lamuda (Central America)
Ruler: Ope
Government: Depotism
Culture: 2
Wonders: None
Economy Level: 2
Education: 1
Population: 100
Cities: 3
Military: None
Citizens Mood: Content
Current Age: Stone
Research Done: Military Research Lvl 1

Nation: Denmark (Northern Europe)
Ruler: Johi
Government: Monarchy
Culture: 1
Wonders: None
Economy Level: 2
Education: 1
Population: 200
Cities: 2
Military: 3 Armies of Farmers
Citizens Mood: Content
Current Age: Stone
Research Done: 0

Nation: Limus (Mediterranean)
Ruler: Solar
Government: Militaristic Expansionist
Culture: 2
Wonders: None
Economy Level: 3
Education: 2
Population: 360
Cities: 3
Military: 4 Armies of Farmers, 2 Large Rafts
Citizens Mood: Content
Current Age: Stone
Research Done: Fishing Lvl 1, Military Research Lvl 1
4000 B.C. Mayans Settle in Yucatan Peninsula
4000 B.C. Chinese Settle in Far East
4000 B.C. Romans Settle in Southern Europe
4000 B.C. Germans Settle in Northern Europe

3900 B.C. *New Nation Found* Hi-Ka (NPC)

3800 B.C. *New Nation Found* Jumbit (NPC)

3700 B.C. Jumbits Overrun by Germans
3700 B.C. *New Nation Found* Austrians (NPC)
3700 B.C. *New Nation Found* Mongolians (NPC)
3700 B.C. *New Nation Found* Nodorains (NPC)

3600 B.C. Trade Road Constructed between German Capital and Nodorian Capital
3600 B.C. Hi-Ka Civilization joined Mayans
3600 B.C. *New Nation Found* Lamuda (NPC)
3600 B.C. Russians Settle in Northern Europe

3500 B.C. *New Nation Found* Kazan (NPC)

3400 B.C. *New Nation Found* Denmark (NPC)
3400 B.C. Estrucean Civilization joined Rome

3300 B.C. *New Nation Found* Limus (NPC)

3200 B.C. Austrians Overrun by Romans

3100 B.C. Kazan Civilization joined Russians
Sounds good! :) If you show the map I'll join as...

Nation: Maya
Ruler: Tenoku Yetsan
Government: Religious Despotism
Culture: 0
Wonders: None
Economy Points: 2
Education: 0
Population: 100
Military: 20 puny archers (1,1)
Navy: None
Training: Monkeys
Citizens Mood: Content
Current Age: Stone
Research Done: 0
Fun, and I have tme. I'll join as China.
Nation: China
Ruler: Jespasian
Government: Literary Tyranny (Wise people know everything)
Culture: 0
Wonders: None
Economy Points: 2
Education: 0
Population: 100
Military: 20 puny archers (1,1)
Navy: None
Training: Monkeys
Citizens Mood: Content
Current Age: Stone
Research Done: 0

You said increase 3 things a turn- can I do Economy, Eucation and Culture?
Alright. Move the army southwards and help expansion there.
I'll join as....

Nation: Rome
Ruler: Romulus & Remus
Government: Dual Monarchy
Culture: 0
Wonders: None
Economy Points: 2
Education: 0
Population: 100
Military: 20 puny archers (1,1)
Navy: None
Training: Monkeys
Citizens Mood: Content
Current Age: Stone
Research Done: 0
Nation: Germany
Ruler: The Great Spacer
Government: Tribal Despotism
Culture: 0
Wonders: None
Economy Points: 2
Education: 0
Population: 100
Military: 20 puny archers (1,1)
Navy: None
Training: Monkeys
Citizens Mood: Content
Current Age: Stone
Research Done: 0


Increase Economy
Move army South
- Expand southwest
- Grow Army Training
- Expand southwest
- Grow Army Training


You can only expand. Army Training costs 2 EP for Lvl 1 Military Training (you have 1 EP), and you do not have 1 Education to start research.

I will make sure you orders are expand. If you would like to change it please do so.

I changed the rules a bit, so make sure you understand the Economy Levels, if you dont, please send me a PM or instant message me on AIM my sn is bententom.
The great nation of Germany rose with much ambition. The Germans loved their ruler and wonderful government. The citizen’s mood increased due to strength and trustworthiness to their leader. The ruler started a new economy system by building roads for transport throughout the prosperous lands. Although this newly formed nation has great German-wide approval, can it hold out as having one of the greatest leaders ever seen?

The two brothers Romulus & Remus joined to form a strong nation. The Dual Monarchy brought more culture to their beloved Rome. The rulers decided to increase economy by constructing ways to help transportation. Romulus & Remus seem to have a bright future, but will they be able to stand up against other rising nations?

The Chinese scholars were delighted when they heard of the new government being enforced in their nation. Literary Tyranny, they knew more scholars were on their way. Soon more scholars were trained and the Chinese education system increased in great ways. Chinese can now research Stone Age technologies. Jespasian included that economy was needed. He started a new system of transportation throughout China to increase the economy. The army of monkey archers began southward to expand slowly. This nation is one of the more technologically advanced and they have just begun.

For the Mayans expansion was underway. A group of settlers joined together and plotted to head southwest, in the direction of mystery. These civilians had no idea what they would encounter and were hesitating to leave at first. Soon they were off and Tenoku Yetsan was happy with his decision. Religious Despotism grew easily throughout Maya; they embraced the new government that grew culture, however they were uneasy about the economy.

*Mayans encountered the Hi-Ka Tribe*

From Hi-Ka Tribe
To Maya

Hello Great One, we bring peace and hope! Do you care that we join your wonderous nation? However, our economy is lacking in what we need. Would you care to give us a lift? We need 1 of your Economy Levels and we will join your nation. Do you accept these terms?

To See the Hi-Ka Tribe Stats visit the Civs Post on the first page.

Increase Education (-1EP)
Make new army of archers(-1EP)
Send old army east
Send new army west
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