Gotm-25 Dal_Riada_Advisor file not found


Jun 14, 2003
Crewe, UK
[ptw] 1.21f, Open

I've downloaded the file for the PTW version of the game.
Moved the 'Turghaut_Cavalry.ini' and 'Steppe_Settler.ini' to the correct folders. I've moved the 'PediaIcons.txt' file into where I think is the right place.

On loading the game, I get the following:


"art/advisors/Dal_Riada_Advisor.pcx" '

Anyone else experienced this, and how did you get 'round it?

Moderator Action: Deadloss, on four separate occassions in the past 30 days I have asked you to PM me when you have a technical problem that you cannot resolve. I have even raised this to the point of insisting that you follow this procedure. You clearly have the ability to send me a PM if you will choose to do so.

This leads me to raise this to one level higher and say that continuing to post separate messages threads like this may be a behvior problem for you.

You need to do what you can to make it easy for me to solve your problem or help direct you to the problem solution that may have already been implemented and not just waste my time by dragging me off to put out brush fires that should already be well under control if you have followed the instructions. - cracker

Please read the forum rules:
I have problems to upgrade the Nomad Warrior to Anda Swordman. It seems as if the Anda Swordman.INI file is working in a UNIX style "../" instead of "..\". Is that the cause of the issue or something else ?

I'm affraid the other Mongols UU will not work either.

Anybody has encoutered this problem too ?

PM me with a better description of what software you are working on and what version of the game you are talking about and we will attempt to trace the source the problem. - cracker
Deadloss--- try creating a folder that is advisor instead of advisors-- i think there is type of advisor or advisors that is the problem. So having fixed that the game then tells me it cannot find art\advisors\ottoman_crest_all.pcx I mean new stuff is great but it is getting more complicated all the time. Have emailed the help folks but still waiting on an answer--

Moderator Action: Maqabee, do not give technical problem solving adice at the level you are currently operating at in the game. This creates spin off problems that make things worse. Just PM or email me and be patient. Your will get a response but these things are not instantaneous even if that would be what you really would prefer - cracker
Please read the forum rules:
Originally posted by maqabee
I mean new stuff is great but it is getting more complicated all the time.

Maqabee, the complications caused by merging Civ3 with PTW and other mods are no more or less complicated each month. For each game, we get a series of files to install, and occasionally need to go back and make a few adjustments. It's the same thing every month.

I've noticed that the large majority of players with installation problems are new to the GOTM, and compound their inexperience by failing to read the instructions - whether pertaining to installation, or what not to post (like this entire thread). The GOTM, like Civ, is a terrific gaming experience, but it requires a degree of patience. Take the time to read the posts in this forum's stickies - you'll get a lot more out of the game!
Martijn, did you read Cracker's responses in this very thread? He asked that anyone with a problem PM him, rather than posting here, providing no information whatsoever as to waht your problem and game conditions are.
Well, brand me as ignorant, but I don't understand why this is such an issue.

It seems like an aweful lot of work to make cracker answer every person's questions individually when its likely that multiple people experience the same problem. I guess he can just cut-and-paste his responses, but why?

Anyway, feel free to moderate me. I feel like I'm intruding on someone if I ask them privately for help. Perhaps an install FAQ every month instead of all this PMing would be better. Locked so that only Cracker can post on it or something.

Or maybe thats more work as well. :p

I'm pretty much a GOTM newbie myself (only played 24), but this has happend constantly in my short time here, and frankly I think it turns people off and makes them feel like the GOTM community isn't very friendly.

Thats my 2cents.

Moderator Action: Owain, Its a rule based on experience not just an obstacle to your gratification.

70% of all technical problems are eventually traced to not following instructions down to even the most basic level.

Many players do not like to have their game disrupted by bozo's spilling the beans.

Contact by PM lets us exchange save files with you which would be prohibited in the open forums. Plus if it turns out that you need to eventually say "Boy, I was stupid. I should have read and followed instructions." Then it is just a behind the scenes issue instead of a naked public dufous event.

PM me and try to make life easy. If the whole world needs to know about it, I'll post it publicly and acknowledge that you were patient zero. - cracker

Please read the forum rules:

Thankyou for your understanding and, not surprisingly, I totally agree with your views.

I work in the IT industry solving problems for computer users with different levels of ability, as is always the case. Anyone worth their salt in the industry needs a 'database of faults and fixes - whether their own private list or an online one that is shared between teams' to aid them in cross-referencing faults that have occured, i.e. if such an error message is produced, then this is what we did last time to cure the problem.

In posting details of the error, I was basically asking if anyone had had the same problem and what action they took to resolve it. But the request for help was two-fold. If, in the interim, I discovered, or someone else posted, a solution to the problem, then numerous other users out there who have had the problem, would be wiser for it.

You see, surely, we are a community? And members of a community help each other.

However, I think I understand Cracker's views on why this wasn't the best place for it (this isn't the place for further comments) and I'm responding to his 'SECOND' request to PM him.

But there you have it. That's why I opened a thread (the FIRST ever thread I created BTW) like this one - to help me AND to help others with the same problem. Some say that's being conscientious but we seem to have overlooked manners somewhere in this 'gotta do it, gotta have it, no time to speak' world we live in these days.
Now, as to the problem that I had...

...I have to admit to being dumb and that the problem was brought on by myself. I don't mind making a fool of myself, especially if I have been foolish.

So you were right, Cracker, it was something that I did, not you. But I never said it was your fault. I was asking for help, that's the difference. And whether you were right or wrong, it still doesn't warrant your 'heavy-handed, OTT' moderator comments and the abusive comments.

What I did wrong was to copy the PediaIcons.txt file into the wrong directory. It's as simple as that.

If you have the same problem, reread the text file instructions and make sure you have copied the file to the right location.
Originally posted by deadloss

In posting details of the error, I was basically asking if anyone had had the same problem and what action they took to resolve it. But the request for help was two-fold. If, in the interim, I discovered, or someone else posted, a solution to the problem, then numerous other users out there who have had the problem, would be wiser for it.

You see, surely, we are a community? And members of a community help each other.

Members of a community help each other if they know what to do, and how to communicate it; they further complicate a problem if they don't. There are many examples in this forum of fix suggestions from individuals which are either wrong or vague enough as to lead to more confusion. I have been guilty of this myself in the past. This is why the GOTM staff repeatedly requests that problems be resolved via PMs or emails - in the end, it's more efficient. This is based on thousands of games of experience, so there's no need for Owain to decide what would be easier for the staff, and may explain why your repeatedly ignoring requests that you pm your questions eventually led to exasperation. It just makes more work.
Thanks for your interest Txurce.

I haven't been repeatedly ignoring Cracker's requests to PM him. I did respond to his last request to PM him. So that is misleading information. And I hadn't ignored 4 requests to do so either. That's untrue as well.

However, I do understand now why his request to PM makes sense. I have said as such in a PM to him.

Look, I've played in 5 GOTMs and 2 Series games now but still consider myself as a novice - I've pretty much failed in all of them. I know I'm very inexperienced compared to you guys. I have only to look at the 'number of posts' counter to realise that.

I have read numerous posts and numerous articles in the War Academy, and I'm frantically trying to bring myself up to a level(anywhere in the same ballpark) as good as you guys.

I must admit to being new to all of this - i.e. the correct procedures to follow, et cetera. I admit as well that I have done a few stupid things but in innocence (and ignorance) in my naivety but these must have seemed like crimes against humanity at times for you experienced guys.

All I ask is to be shown the right path to follow. Not to be barracked and abused. I opened one thread and was then jumped on with size ten boots.

Let's hope that this is the last post in this thread and that it can now be closed.

I'll admit to being wrong and hold my hands up if it restores the balance and harmony. I have PM'd Cracker and I hope that that is now the last of it and that I can continue enjoying being part of this community.
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