D&D mod: tjedge1-Mystara

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Writer of writerly things
Aug 8, 2003
Central Texas
OVERVIEW Last updated January 8, 2005
This mod will be playable on [c3c] v1.22 only.

tjedge1 = Beta Testing
Arghis = Bonus scenario "The Savage Coast"

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A preview of the title screen
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Civs for every scenario:
Continent of Brun
Atruaghin - Agricultural / Religious - Leader: Chief Naravipa Dagger Tooth - (City List Complete) Hunters and Herders who live in small villages. All the villagers claim to be descended from the ancient hero Atruaghin. If threatened by war, they will unite under an elected leader. Their culture is similiar to early Amerindian culture.
Darokin - Commercial / Agricultural - Leader: Chancellor Corwyn Mauntea - (City List Complete) Darokin is a plutocracy, the government is run by the wealthies families. The culture resembles that of Venice or Genoa in medieval Italy. This nation is one of the wealthiest and strongest coorporate nations in Mystara.
Denagoth - Militaristic / Expansionist - Leader: Wraith Lord Landryn Teriak - (City List Complete) An isolated nation north of Wendar. Dark Elves and many humanoids plan for the invasion of Wendar someday, to reclaim the lands they once ruled.
Ethengar - Militaristic / Religious - Leader: Golden Kahn Moglai - (City List Complete) The Ethengarians are steppe riders similiar to the Mongols. They are very warlike, and when they choose to stay organized, they are a great danger to nations all around them.
Eusdria - Commercial / Militaristic - Leader: King Sigismund III - (City List Complete) The baronies and city-states of the coastal region south of Hule. Also the home of a the rare Cinnabryl used to make Red Steel. This kingdom is a combination of several City States along the Savage Coast.
Glantri - Scientific / Industrious - Leader: Princess Carlotina Erewan - (City List Complete) A magic kingdom like in the old stories. Vampires, Werrewolves and the walking dead roam the lands and in some cases rule them. This nation of principalities is known for the powerful mages who control most of the land and the outlawing of dwarves and the death sentence against clerics.
Heldann - Agricultural / Religious - Leader: Sir Wulf von Klangendorf - (City List Complete) The Heldann are barbaric people who hunt, fish, and raise crops on isolated farms. They are related to the people in the jarldoms, but now are ruled by a powerful knightly order. Their culture is similiar to that of medieval Iceland.
Hule - Militaristic / Religious - Leader: Master Hosadus - (City List Complete) A great empie ruled by a mysterious and evil ruler, bent on world domination and destruction. The few humans in his service are usually clerics of enthropy, which infiltrate other nations and spread the lies of their deceitful religion.
Karameikos - Industrious / Militaristic - Leader: Lord Stefan Karameikos - (City List Complete) Once a peaceful logging community known as Traladra, it is now controled by a Thyatian Duke who spent his family fortune on a mercanary army, and makes his plans to turn this new barony into a prominent kingdom on it's own.
Orcland - Militaristic / Industrious - Leader: King Thar - (City List Complete) The strongest kingdom of humanoids in Brun that stretch from Orchead Penninsula and into the Arm of the Immortals and Broken Lands. At one time several loose tribes they now have united under one banner and made the largest and most dangerous clan of humanoids ever assembled.
Rockhome - Militaristic / Industrious - Leader: King Everast XV - (City List Complete) The militant home of the Dwarves of Brun. Their mountainous home makes it very difficult to invade. Their only hate is for Glantri (where their brothers are enslaved and experimented on), in which they raid as often as they can.
Sind - Religious / Agricultural - Leader: Rajadhiraja Chandra ul Nervi - (City List Complete) The civ of the Great Waste that is similiar to what India and Iran would be mixed together. A caste system and strong army, make this a strong nation. Their elephant and camel cavalry is unequaled by any nation.
Thyatis - Militaristic / Expansionist - Leader: Emporer Thincol I Torion - (City List Complete) A seaside empire, famous for its imperial history, the cunning and treachery of it's leaders, the decadence of it's entertainments, and the might of it's army. In many ways, it resembles the Roman Empire or Byzantine Empire when its armies were achieving their greatest victories.
Vestland - Commercial / Industrious - Leader: King Harald Gudmundson - (City List Complete) A Viking style kingdom with more concern over commerce than pillage, although they are well known for an impressive military. Uniting the Jarls of the Northlands is their ultimate goal before they are conquered by other neighbors.
Wendar - Religious / Agricultural - Leader: Wizard-King Gylharen - (City List Complete) The greatest elven kingdom in Mystara. This peaceful land is fertile and the elves who live here are strong and spiritual. They live in confidence that their evil neighbors of Denagoth will never harm them.

Continent of Skothar
Nithia - Religious / Industrious - Leader: Pharoah Ramose IV - (City List Complete) A kingdom of death worship that was wiped away long ago, leaving behind several small nations, mnay of which do not remember their origins. A small group of Clerics have worked at reviving the old Empire through Necromancy and have succeeded in enslaving a minor nation. Nithia resembles much of ancient Egypt.
Tanagoro - Expansionist / Seafaring - Leader: Empress Biko M'tala - (City List Complete) A great empire of tall and proud ebony explorers in Skothar. Their lost colonies are scattered all over the world. Once a kingdom of great explorers, now they are searching for their old colonies and hoping to reunite or recolonize. They also work to assimilate the race of Minotaurs in their regions to become more civilized.
Thoth-Ath - Militaristic / Religious - Leader: Phar Kamen Na'Tril - (City List Complete) A mostly Gnoll nation, that is coexisting with the Jennites who are homeless due to constant invasion from Alphatia. They roam the Steppes of Jen in tribes, but are now beginning to learn to build cities under the teachings of the Jennites.
Zuyevo - Militaristic / Expansionist - Leader: Tsar Andrei III - (City List Complete) This nation of refugees from the historical wars of Norwald against great Humanoid armies which fled and have settled in the mountainous regions of Skothar and Western Brun. They have many similiarities to areas like Kamchatka, China and Japan, with an overall feel of Russian culture.

Continent of Davania
Duargor - Industrious / Commercial - Leader: King Gardhall V - (City List Complete) A less warlike, more reclusive Dwarven civ, aggression replaced with even more greed. They have a bitter dislike of Elves, which comes from an attempt by Kwythellar to enslave them. Their greed is not completly subdued when they are insulted and will rise to war quicker than their brothers of Brun.
Izonda - Militaristic / Scientific - Leader: Dictator Ekara N'iombo - (City List Complete) A great kingdom of Davania, ruled by Amazons and populated by elves, dwarves and halflings as well. All traces of the Ogre-kin dictatorship that once ruled, has been nearly destroyed. There are plans to free the Ogre-kin slaves and integrate them to the military ranks.
Kastelios - Commercial / Militaristic - Leader: Counciler Xenthos Sarantakos - (City List Complete) The strongest city-state in north Davania. They believe in defense and gold. They won't be a City-State forever, with recent success in gaining control of neighboring city-states. Plans are being made to spread their influence throught northern Davania.
Kwythellar - Scientific / Militaristic - Leader: Gold General Teron Askalil - (City List Complete) An elven kingdom north of Duargor that still blames humans for the destruction of the Elven homeland. They have attempted many times to enslave the "weaker" races. Warlike and isolationists, they attempt to bully all other nations except elven nations in the hopes of ruling those they feel are lesser.
Malpheggi - Religious / Militaristic - Leader: General Xargass - (City List Complete) A tribe of reptiles that worships the gods of the Temple of the Frog. Lead by a Draconian who found his way to Mystara through a portal of some sort on Krynn and now is trapped. He plans to do the same on Mystara his people have been trying to do on Krynn. Take over the world.
Shires - Commercial / Agricultural - Leader: Sheriff Jaervosz Dustyboots - (City List Complete) A land of halflings, at one time ruled by orcs twice and dwarves once. One of the most under-rated nations on Mystara. They have built a strong army and navy to counter any other attempts to take their lands again. Home of the invisible army.

Small Continents and Islands of the Sea of Dread
Alphatia - Scientific / Expansionist - Leader: Emporess Eriadna the Wise - (City List Complete) Alphatia is a mighty continent of magic-users. The continent is a broad, rich land divided up into numerous interdependant nations, each ruled by powerful mages. These rulers meet at a great council with the highest of their order the Empress when needed.
Ierendi - Militaristic / Seafaring - Leader: Queen Marianne - (City List Complete) The trading ships of Ierendi rival those of Thyatis. The king and queen of the land are usually popular adventurer-heroes. Law tends to be informal, and enforced by the strong. Although Ierendi has a highly professional navy, pirates often operate out of Ierendi waters.
Minrothad - Commercial / Seafaring - Leader: Guild Master Oran Meditor - (City List Complete) This island cluster nation is run by the heads of various guilds. Most of these are demi-human, with elves being the majority. The people are caste-conscious and conservative, preferring banking to war. They maintain a neutral position with most nations. Privateering, especially against pirates out of Ierendi, is common occupation.
Yavdlom - Religious / Agricultural - Leader: Mokubu Jibada Yavswano - (City List Complete) A kingdom of dark skinned half elves. They follow the worship of Yav who was once one of the people of the nation before he was raised to be an Immortal after saving the nation. Many people of the nation have the ability to predict the future, giving this nation an edge in the espionage world.

Islands of the Far North
Frosthaven - Militaristic / Industrious - Leader: Great King Brunnkarth - (City List Complete) An island civ ruled by Giants in the far north. The kings of this land dream of re-taking the land they claim as theirs someday. They don't recall what those lands were, but they will take what is found and claim it always belonged to them.
Ostland - Militaristic / Seafaring - Leader: Jarl Hord Dark-eye - (City List Complete) The stereo-typical Viking nation. Stuck in the past and enjoying the pillaging and raiding they do. Ostland is quite useful to those Empires that want some piracy acts against certain nations, but no connection back to themselves. This does not keep them from raiding their own employers however.

A look at the faces of the leaders as far the beta goes:
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A screenshot of the cities so far:
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These are subject to change before the beta release. The cultures are:
American ====Dwarf Architecture (Top Center)
European ====European Architecture (Top Right)
Mediteranean=Elven Architecture (Top Left)
Middle East ==Alasiyan Architecture (Bottom Left)
Asian =======Enthropic Arcitecture (Bottom Right)

A screenshot of some of the interface:
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A quick sketch of the tech trees so far:
1st Era:
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2nd Era:
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3rd Era:
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4th Era:
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continued on post #2 below:
OVERVIEW: post #2

Current Scenario plans:
I plan to include the regicide victory in because I love playing it that way myself. Many civs will have unique techs for themselves and a few will share certain techs like elven civs will have Forestation. Each civ will have their own government eventually to give a complexity to the attitude between certain civs to eachother. That makes it less likely Denagoth and Wendar will get along much, for one example.

Random Map
This is obvious. A random map with random resources and starting positions. This will be the best version for the Multi-Player fans and for those who have trouble playing on the big maps that the other scenarios will take place on. The only downfall for this version is no for sure chance that Cinnabar will be available. It is extremely rare and randomly placed.

Mystara World Map (With cities)
This will be a map of Mystara with original starting places for each civ and a few major cities. Some civs will have several cities while others may only have a couple. Barbarians will also be scattered in large numbers on Skothar and Davania to keep civs that are not on Brun or an island somewhere from growing much faster than Brun or the island civs. The starting year will be 800AC.

Mystara World Map (Without cites)
This will be virtually the same above except with no cities preplaced. Try conquering the known world with Karameikos and settle the Isla of Dawn while destroying Thyatis and Alphatia on your expansionist quest. Good Luck. The starting year will be 800AC.

Known World Map
This will start with nearly the same amount of pre-placed cities for each civ. Some of the ones on the edge of the map will of course have much fewer than the world map. Each will have at least one. The starting year will be 800AC.

War of Wrath Scenario
This will be similiar to the Known World map except more cities and locked alliances. This will be a conquest, domination or victory points game or something along that line. It starts in the year 1000AC when the Immortals become aware of an ancient artifact that makes mortals into Immortals without an Immortal host. The now Immortal mortals try to protect their new worshippers and their artifact as the original Immortals try to destroy all the followers of their enemies. Needless to say the Immortals are pretty upset. Each turn will equal a week and costs of technologies will be far higher and cost for units will be tweeked a little bit higher.

Maps for the scenarios:
Here is a preview of the maps Arghis is working on. They will obviously be far better in quality and detail, but these previews will give a general idea of how the world is set and where civs will begin. There may be some moved starting positions on the world map to allow more "elbow room" for the known world civs on the world map as that region is extremely crowded. Maybe 2 world map scenario's 1 with moved civs and 1 with those civs stuffed like Europe in other world mods.
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A look a the terrain graphix so far, these are subject to change:
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Current Resources List plus a preview of it in the pcx file.
(s)=strategic resource / (l)=luxary resource / (b)=bonus resource
1st Row: Horses (s)/ Iron (s)/ Saltpeter (s)/ Oil (s)/ Quality Lumber (s)/ Camels (s)
2nd Row: Wolves (s)/ Dragons (s)/ Cinnabryl (s)/ Gryphons (s)/ Ylari (s)/ Wine (l)
3rd Row: Furs (l)/ Dyes (l)/ Incense (l)/ Elephants (l)/ Spices (l)/ Silk (l)
4th Row: Gold (l)/ Tobacco (l)/ Cocoa (l)/ Coal (b)/ Artifacts (b)/ Gems (b)
5th Row: Whales (b)/ Game (b)/ Fish (b)/ Livestock (b)/ Grain (b)/ Sugar (b)
6th Row: Tropical Fruit (b)/ Oasis (b)/ Bison (b)/ Salt (b)/ Jade (b)/ Silver (b)
7th Row: Cotton (b)/ Platinum (b)/ Corn (b)/ Pearls (b)/ Shellfish (b)/ Rice (b)
8th Row: Fruit (b)/ Textiles (b)/ Beer (b)/ Pottery (b)/ Cloth (b)/ Glass (b)
9th Row: Porcelain (b)/ Tools (b)
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Improvements descriptions plus a shot of the pcx:
Apprentice School: +50% Research, +1 Maint, +1 Cult, +1 Prod
Arena: +2 Happy, +1 Maint
Bank: +50% Tax, +1 Maint
Bard Hall: +1 Happy, +1 Maint, +1 Cult
Barracks: Veteran Ground Units, Veteran Air Units, +1 Maint
Bathhouse: +1 Happy, +1 Maint
Blacksmith: +2 Prod, +1 Maint
Brewery: +1 Happy
Cathedral: +2 Happy, +1 Maint, +2 Cult
City Watch: -Corruption, -War Weariness, -Propaganda, +1 Maint
Coastal Fortress: Coastal, +8 Naval, +8 Naval bombard
Fishery: Coastal, +1 Food in Water, +1 Maint
Gnome Workshop: +3 Produce, +2 Maint
Guard Tower: +25 Defense, +1 Maint
Harbor: Coastal, Veteran Ships, Allow Water Trade, +1 Maint, +1 Food in Water
Healing House: -Pop Pollution, -Bldg Pollution, +1 Happy, +1 Maint
Keep: +25 Defense, -Corruption, +1 Maint
Large Cargo Dock: Coastal, +1 Shields in Water, +1 Maint
Library: +50% Research, +1 Maint
Lumber Mill: +1 Prod, +1 Maint
Magic Guild: +50% Research, +1 Maint, +1 Cult
Market:+50% Tax, +Luxary Trade, +1 Maint
Merchant Guild: +50% Tax
Oil Wheels: +2 Prod, +1 Maint
Palace: Center of Empire, +1 Cult
Portal Tower: Allow Air Trade, +3 Maint
Purify Magic: Allow City Size 2
Sewers: Allow City Size 3, -Pop Pollution, -Bldg Pollution
Storehouse: x2 Growth, +1 Maint
Tavern Guild: +1 Happy, +50% Tax
Temple: +1 Happy, +1 Maint, +1 Cult
Thieves Guild: +1 Unhappy, +50% Tax, -Corruption
Timber Palisade: +25 Defense, +4 Bombard (Can replace Walls)
Trade Dock: +1 Trade in Water, +1 Maint
Walls: +50 Defense, +8 Bombard (Can replace Timber Palisade)
Wealth: Capitalization
Wind Mill: +1 Prod
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A look a the units pcx:
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Credits so far:
Mod developer: tjedge1
Maps: Arghis
Others: Isak, Crus_99, frekk, Sword_of_Geddon, Eddiit, Rhye, Sn00py, Womak, Kinboat, Kindred72, Drift, Grandraem, Recon1591, aaglo, embryodead, Unexisted, BeBro, frenchman, Supa, mrtn, R8XFT, Goldflash, Ukas, Sween32, Lusikka775, Clam I Am, odintheking, CamJH, BradRinWi, Xen, rcoutme, Hikaro Takayama

PM me if you see your work in the previews and your name is not here or you have assisted with information for the mod.

Nothing is set in stone here. Everything is up for debate if anyone has an idea or problem.

Many ideas are now being pulled from these sites:
Vaults of Pandius
Wizards of the Coast/Dungeons & Dragons/Other Worlds/Mystara Forum
Chronicles of Mystara
Hello guys. I'm starting this thread to get an idea of how many peeps are intersted in a D&D mod for Conquests. I am going to use the world of Mystara as a base for now. I have plenty of knowledge and resources to go with that world. Not that being historically accurate is a big deal in D&D worlds. Unlike Middle-Earth there are no real limits.

Another reason I chose this world is the inability to build electric devices because of the magical atmosphere. A little history lesson now:
At one time a starship had traveled through a wormhole or some such way by accident and crashed on Mystara. The people of Mystara were barbarians, and so the crew of the ship decided to sleep in cryo till help arrived. Too bad for them, it didn't. After several centuries the People of Mystara built several empires. One of which was called Blackmoor. The people of Blackmoor broke into the ship looking for treasures and so on. One of the crew was automatically awakened by the entrance of the Mystarans. He made peace with them and decided to trade the technology with the people. To make a long story short, he traded to much with Blackmoor who developed powerful weopans and became the world power. After creating a new and powerful machine like the ship that crashed or something as powerful and then turning it on caused a backlash of power do to the magical energy surrounding the planet. An explosion completely flattened Blackmoor and turned the world off it's axis. The rest of the world was sent into chaos and most of the empires collapsed. Elves and halflings lost their homes do to the fact they had become the new polar ice caps. They migrated and scattered around the world. The human kingdoms fell as the shape of the continents changed and shifted for several decades. Eventually the chaos halted and the new world began to brighten with the return of the sun and settling of the volcanoes and floods. The people of Mystara began to rebuild their world. The history of Blackmoor was lost, since no one who knew what had happened had survived.

That is where this game will begin. I am still working on unit lists and the tech tree. I will then finish the improvements and wonders after that. I will add to the tech tree as I go. I have no pics of this mod yet, as I don't have Conquests yet and I am still putting together my ideas.

I will post lists of things I have done including the civs, which I have already picked out all 31, and what kind of units they will have. I can say for sure one thing. I will use every fantasy unit that is posted in this forum that I can find. My extensive creature lists for D&D can make anything here something useful. Like a Balrog as an Efreet or the Deathclaw into an Athach.

I will make an extensive civlopedia so that anyone who knows nothing of D&D will be able to understand this game.

I may need help with some of the graphix details since I have little knowledge and no real experience in that field.

To the person who actually picked What is D&D in the poll up top:

:lol: That was more of a joke. If you really don't know what it is it's Dungeons & Dragons.

A Role Playing Game if you never heard of that. It is the game that started all the RGP games, both tabletop and video. The Baldur's Gate games are based on this game. Final Fantasy 1 is loosely similiar to the concept.

Mystara is the first or second D&D world. Along with Greyhawk.


I have decided to give each civ a special government to keep the civs either friendly or aggressive towards eachother, without locked alliances.
I have 22 techs for each age except the 4th.
Too bad I am short on time right now. I will be editing the first 2 posts here eventually to actually have more detailed info, but for now I don't get much time on my pc. I'm going to try a get Conquests again today, if it's still not sold out everywhere.:aargh:
Once I get that, things will roll more smoothly.

Originally posted by emu
did you make up Mystara?
No actually. It has other names in more modern games. It is also known as Savage coast. That is actually a small part of Mystara but some games were labeled that way. It is one of the original worlds that D&D wass played with. I think before even Greyhawk. Not sure about that though. Those were the 2 worlds most commonly used when I played way back in the 80's. There are actually tons of accessories for this world still floating around.
If you ever heard of Hollow World, that was a part of Mystara as well. Blackmoor games took place on the same world. I will try to copy the world map I have and post it this week or next. Most of the games and info on this world faded with the growing AD&D games. Some was converted to AD&D, but most was lost. TSR stopped printing the supplements for the world in the early to mid 90's.

Most of the world was never detailed and I made it up myself when I played the game. Some of the empires and nations I created will be used in the mod. In a sense I made up a lot of this world.
BTW: I got Conquests today and will start messing around with it this weekend. Once I figure out the new features and play with it I'll start setting this bad boy up! Seems as if the response has been low so far, but it has been positive.:D

That's good. I would make this mod no matter what and post it, but it feels good that someone has some interest in it.
Ah, Mystara. The name brings back many good memories form my childhood. If you make a Mystara mod I'll be the first one to play it.
I believe Greyhawk was first, at least in concept since if I'm not mistaken the creators of D&D played in Castle Greyhawk before D&D was called D&D (I think the first version was a book called Chainmail)... But Mystara was the world that the old Basic rulebooks came with. And I actually played on Mystara before I knew it was called Mystara. The only adventure I remember offhand is the Keep on the Borderlands :)
I'd play this most definately :)
You are very correct Kinboat. I did remmeber something called Chainmail from before. I first played the Keep on the Borderlands also, and played pretty much always on Mystara. I remember Greyhawk adventures floating around and I got a couple them, but wasn't sure which came first. Thank you for clarification. I have been testing the new options for Conquests as much as I can this weekend. So far the editor is not as good as I had hoped, but I had planned on working around a lot of my problems with PTW anyway, and I'll just stick with those ideas. I'll share them later.
Originally posted by tjedge1
...Too bad I can't make more. I thought of making all 60 civs, but that would make the mod too big and I don't think the screen to select civs would show them all. I was told that wouldn't work.
The 31 civ limit is hard coded. If you want 60 civs you'd have to wait for civ 4, I think.

BTW I'm one of the two who voted "What's D&D". I know it's a RPG, of course, but I've only played RPGs in Swedish. Well, anyway, good luck! :thumbsup:
Originally posted by Owain
Do you have a link to the map you're using? Does it include Kara-Tur/Eastern civs?

EDIT: oh, nm... I got confused there... Been awhile. ;) Still curious about the map though, or is this just going to be for use with random map generator?

I am making the mod for a random map first since the maps take a while to make. I will ty and get the picture of the map I'm using up here as soon as I can. I don't have a scanner, but I do have a great digital camera. I'll figure it out when I get more time for that. I have a hectic schedule for the next couple of months, but I am going to spend every waking minute I can spare on this because I want to play it. So first I will make a random map mod then a 180x180 map of Mystara, then a 360x360 map of Mystara, then I will consider making a scenario of the Wrath of the Immortals.

Originally posted by mrtn
The 31 civ limit is hard coded. If you want 60 civs you'd have to wait for civ 4, I think.

BTW I'm one of the two who voted "What's D&D". I know it's a RPG, of course, but I've only played RPGs in Swedish. Well, anyway, good luck!

Thanx. Too bad I couldn't make more civs :sad:. Oh well, 31 will be more than enough for now. I have tons of work to do since most of the civs will have their own governments and tons of flavor units.:crazyeye:

As far as further answering the question, what is D&D?
You know that it is an RPG. It is everything fantasy just crammed into one game. If you see it in a movie, or read about it in a book, the chances are it's in D&D. There isn't any real base storyline. You make your own as you go. Thats one reason I think it will be perfect for Civ.
It has several different worlds it takes places on. Some worlds have the same dieties as others, but most have unique ones. Mystara was one of those that had their own dieties, that they called the Immortals. Many of the Immortals were once mortal, but awarded immortality for completing specific quests and having some kind of effect on the future of a lot of people.

Anyway back to work for me.
I'd play a Mystara mod as well. It's been awhile since I visited my old stomping grounds of Glantri, Karameikos, and um.. er.. the shire... (halflings are murder on the kneecaps).

If you have module X10, "Red Arrow, Black Shield," it gives some basic military descriptions of the 'known world'.

If I could suggest, you might be better off doing just the portion of Mystarra from the known worold north to Norwold, then south to the Thayatin possesions on Dravinia. Kick it east across to Alphatia proper and some of it's eastern possesions. Make the map non-wrappable. Tossing in the savage coast, Hule and everything else west is nice, but most of the official documentation never did the 'interior' of the continent.

Jeez.. I just realized that i rattled this off and I haven't looked at any of this in over ten years. lol.

btw, back in the distant past when there was only "Civilization" (and CivNet hadn't even been thought of) we used to do massive wars on a gigantic 'situation room' - type map of the continent. We're talking two or three day affairs when people would come over and push little counters and we kept track of casualties on massive sheets of loose leaf.. I have pics of it somewhere. lol

I am in the hunt for that module you mentioned. Someone said they would copy it for me. I might do a mod of just the KNown World for the Wrath of Immortals scenario and lead it into the module you spoke of since I believe it happened just a couple of years after. I have pretty good maps of the regions you mentioned, but I want to bring in some of the civs I invented myself. Those would be Malpheggi, Izonda, Vulcan, and Brasol. The rest I have detailed info on or were vaguely mentioned in gazatteers. Like Jen, Tanagoro, and Kastelios. If I did a Known World map, I would replace Izonda, Brasol, Malpheggi, and Vulcan with similiar civs. Vulcan would be another orc or goblin type civ, while Izonda would become the Savage Coast region. Malpheggi would still be used, but moved to the swamp region in Darokin with the same name. Brasol would just be another dwarf civ I would put in the far north above Wendar. The interior and the other continents were left to let DM's flesh out their own worlds. I definatly did. Some day I'll find my revised world map of all the land masses and the nations in them. There are around 60 or more. I made them up obviously, but I used to be a fanatic dungeon master and my players had a tendacy to steal airships from Alphatian merchants. :nono:. They were on the run a lot as you could imagine. Alphatia was only the most powerful nation on Mystara till the War of Wrath. Then it sunk like Atlantis did. Most of it anyway.
yeah, I'm in the same boat as you... I was pretty fanatical between 86' and 91' as a DM for the known world. It was nice on the one hand because TSR would come out with a new Gazeteer every couple of months or so but annoying too, because you never knew where they were going to go, and i had a difficult time trying to juggle the campaign and keep it up with 'canon'. Let's see.. in my version of everything past AC1000 it wound up being a struggle with about 4 powers: Karameikos, (by default as the first Gaz), an "Independent Norwold" (long war with Alphatia there modeled after the US war for Independence), Glantri (and it's vassal Darokin - the mages went to town... remember the Glantri air fighters? that was the first version in the GAZ, later they became much worse) and the Nomad kingdom. Karameikos held a line from the Shire, through Alfheim and up into Nordest.
Glantri held Glantri, the broken lands, northen Darokin (including Darokin City) and sometimes Wendar. The Khanate, the Freeholds, and the Clans were often battlegorunds and divvied up between the "great powers". Alphatia was often out of the picture after it got the Isle of Dawn and the rest of Thaytis' overseas dominions. When it did come in, it was usually on Glantri's side, and sometimes the Nomad's. Never Karameikos and never Norwold. (Karameikos, as silly as it might sound) actually fought a war with alphatia in a big battle over the sea of dawn. It lost, obviously, but Alphatia couln't capitalize, because the moment it tried to invade the continent, every country jumped up against it. So it returned to status quo ante bellum, so long as Karameikos gave up any claim to any land off the continent in perpetuity.

Personally, i thought the hollow world was a waste of resources and i wasn't keen on the wrath of the immortals, either. (tho the maps were good.) Overall, we had something like 10 - 15 wars, 2 demon invasions, 2 nomad invasions and 1 norwold invasion. It was a mess. One day after it was all over, I discovered that I still had all the statistics from the major wars stashed in a closet somewhere. Intrigued (and bored) I tallied them up....

15 million war dead. ulp.


PS: Do you want me to copy (or scan) the pertinent portions of X10 for you?
If you want to you can, since the fellow who said he would has pm'ed me in a while. I think he was out was for the holidays or something. Karamiekos is an interesting choice. Thyatis finally made a hostile take over on the Karamiekos government on the behalf of the Traladar rebels in my versions. Similiar to the American Independence war also, with Thyatis finally come to aid the Traladar. After the Wrath of the Immortals in my campaign Alphatia was a weak power, due to most of it sinking in the ocean and the week without magic causing most of the mages to die of old age as their longevity spells wore off. Norwald became a sole power and picked up where Alphatia left off. Lacking the power of Alphatia's 1000 max level mages, it was not much able to do anything except hold the north area of the Isle of Dawn. Thothia regained it's control of the Southern end of the Isle of Dawn, since Alphatia pulled it's armie out and turned their attention to Skothar, where they were still invading the Jennites.
THe master of Hule had conquered Sind and the Savage Coast and was still working on Darokin. Glantri in my campaign was devastated by the War of Wrath and the Master's constant invasion. They finally closed their borders and began to construct a magic walll after Ethengar and Rockhome allied to destroy them forever. That war was still going on when I quit. Darokin had been forced south and had annexed the shires, as Alfhiem fell to a plague caused by shadow elves. THe elves of Alfhiem had migrated to Wendar where most elves began to live and build a great kigdom like the one they had before Blackmoor destroyed everything. In Davania, Izonda began invading all it's nieghbors and conquered several. Thyatis meanwhile finished taking out the 4 tribes of north Davania. They tried to invade Kastelios, but were forced back by superior defensive technics. Kastelios, Izonda and Brasol signed a peace treaty and they focused their attention on Vulcan, where the former Immortal Alphaks had been banished. He had become a Lich and taken over a small nation near the Vulcan coast. He raised an army of vampires and necromancers and began building an army bigger than Alphatia and Thyatis combined. It's amazing how different our games were. The only reason I mapped Davania is because my players fled there after they became criminals in Thyatis and Alphatia. They were afraid because every where they went in the known world of Brun they were attacked by head hunters. Some were even killed. They stole an Alphatian airship and flew to Kastelios where they shared the secrets of Thyatis war startegy. They left that nation after Thyatis threatened their borders. They ended up in Izonda where females ruled everything. They ended up becoming field generals for that nation and helped in the invasions until they got word of Alphaks and turned to diplomacy. That is where we ended our games. That was back in 93' We had started in 87'.:crazyeye: I can't believe I remember all that. I'm still digging my old notes out of boxes.

Speaking of air fighters, I thought of bringing in the small fighter planes as gnomish planes and magics fighters. Like Glantri and Heldann who had air forces. At least in my games they did.

By the way also the reason Darokin had moved further south is because Thar (the ruler of the Broken Lands) was assassinated by his general and the new general mobilized a great army with the help of Glantri(the reason Ethengar and Rockhome invaded them) and marched all the way to Darokin's capitol and burned it to the ground. The Darokin cavalry retaliated and ran down the goblinoid army. THey fled back to the hills, but returned with Dire wolf cavalry and made North Darokin a constant battlefield. Aengmok (what used to be Alfhiem) allied themselves with the orcs and goblins and supplied them with better weapons and siege machines. The shadow elves couldn't leave teir forest so they relied on the orcs to protect them.
Yikes, I'm scaring myself. I remember it like yesterday. Enough of that, got to get back to work on it.
Isn't Thyatis more like a Byzantine Empire than Roman and isn't Darokin most similiar to renaissance Italy?

Edit: And could you put a Redsteel rescource in the mod?:)
I would love to put a redsteel resource in the mod and a special super strong unit to go with it, but I'm not sure I'll have enough room. I am trying to cut my resources back to 32. I have 67 right now.

As far as Thyatis being a Byzantine empire, you could say that also. It was more like a combination of the two. The king who the empire is named after THyatis was a gladiator who helped lead his people to force Alphatian invaders back out of their lands. If I recall correctly. THe Rules Cyclopedia refered to Thyatis as very similiar to the Roman Empire. That's where I get that from. I will probably make a Wonder for this civ that produces gladiator units.

Darokin may have looked like renaissance Italy, but it is a Plutocracy. In this nation if you were rich you ruled. Whoever had the most money made the decisions. It was also the home of the largest merchant guild in the world. I will make a wonder of that as well. Of course only Darokin will have access to it. Trust me on this civ. This is where I played the most. My players were from this country and it's neighbors like Karamiekos and the Shires. One of them was a clansman also.

If anyone wonders why I didn't keep Karamiekos is because my mod will start before it existed, when it was still the lumberjack and elf nation of Traladar. Before Lord Karamiekos invaded with a mercanary army and renamed the capitol city. Had some good adventures there, since many of my elven characters were rebels from this land. They had nothing to do with the Thyatis alliance since they were wanted dead or alive by Thyatian authorities. Though Traladar defeated Karamiekos in my games, they were still controlled by Thyatis afterwards. Thyatis let them do as they wished, as long as they sent military aid whenever asked. The same way Heldann Freeholds made with Thyatis. A military alliance you could say. I will have to similate the mercanary army in the war of wrath scenario.
Originally posted by tjedge1
If you want to you can, since the fellow who said he would has pm'ed me in a while. I think he was out was for the holidays or something.

I'm here. I got back from holidays a couple of weeks ago but I was really busy. Anyways, don't worry, I've got that stuff for you. I'll PM you.:)
heh... Traladar did actually come back in my campaign as well. That's what the PCs played off the Thayatin gov't. As for the PCs in my game, it was two generations spanning about 200 years. (which was my way of putting enough space between the gazeteers and my campaign.) so the desert nomads attacked in 1200, not 1000. (Alphatia still conquered Thaytis offshore possesions @1020 AC, but thats a whole 'nother story). The first generation of PCs got exiled to someplace called 'Pegasus Isle' which sprang up out of a random encounter on X1, the Isle of Dread. Pegasus Isle is one of those teeny teeny islands out in between Minrothad and Dread. Anyway, those PCs were the ones that I played with as PCs before I became DM. (circa 1985). The next generation started up around 1195 AC and some were the descendents of the previous characters (i brought the original ones back through massive applications of plot that are only found today in episodes of 'Enterprise'. Anyway, long story short, this is when all the wars kicked off and all that.

We never did much with anything to the east, mostly because TSR kept promising it and never delivering. and when wrath of the Immortals came out we were almost wrapped up with it. The last big war that we had had norwold fighting hule over th continent. I hand drew the hex maps for the whole thing at cardboard counter size and we spread all the maps out on the floor (we didn't have a table big enough). The war took something like nineteen hours to finish. The war before that, norwold vs. Karameikos was no slouch either, and took almost a full day too... beating dwarves out of mountains was hard work. Karameikos got totally razed and their people sold off into slavery. but they got better. lol.

Oh well, glad to see that you got your firend back with the maps. If you need anything else, drop me a line and I'll see what I have here.

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