King Unit: Admiral Ackbar

This I like!

I have three questions for you:

1) Did you make it from scratch?

2) Can I put it on the Star Wars MOD site?

3) How would you like to join the team?
If I may ask a question: What the heck is that?

(I'm not insulting the unit, just asking what it is and where it's from)
it's a mon calamari for crying out loud! though emu wasn't far
1. I found a model online edited and animated it.

2. You can put it on your site.

3. I won't join the mod team but I will work on starwars units, you can use any of them. But you should ask Morpheus to join.
okay, thanks. the offer remains open indefinatly though, if you should change your mind.
Nice job
<I>What the heck is that?</i>

Admiral Ackbar...a character from Star Wars, seen in Empire Strikes back a little (If i'm correct), ROTJ, and numerous books.

A Mon Calamari...from the water world of Calamari/Dac

This particular one being an important member of the Rebel Alliance and later on New Republic.
What does j00 mean? I looked in the war academy's list of abbreviations, but couldn't find it. I know it's sort of off topic..
*smirks and shakes his head*

j00 = you

And Warmaster...any chance of making a General Crackin, or the ever so holy Wedge Antilles?
Nice unit, it looks cool.

BTW: I'm suprised a mod didn't say anything about unscratchedfoot's remark, they're starting to fall down on their job :lol:.
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