Discussion: Victory Type


Retired Moderator
Feb 2, 2003
Arizona, USA (it's a dry heat)
I know, we're still in the pre-history phase until creation day, but still during the early part of the game there are steps we have to take if we want to pursue specific victory conditions. In particular, if we want to aim for a 20K culture in one city win, we have to start cultural buildings as early as possible. If we want a diplomatic victory, then we need to start out treating our neighbors fairly well, or eliminate them before they can spill the beans. For either of these victory types, it helps a lot to be at the top of the score graph right from the beginning,as opposed to conquest and domination where a strong military is the early priority.

Lets start off by stating your preferred victory type, and which one you would like to avoid. To begin with this can be informational. My answer is I would prefer to aim for diplomatic {how ironic ;)} and avoid space race.
Lets see, DG1 had Culture victory. DG2 had Domination victory. DG3 had Spaceship victory.

I would like to see DG4's victory to have a conquest victory.
Diplomatic victory would be a real challenge.

No to Space Race
At this point I am undecided among Conquest, Domination, or Culture.
For a real challenge, and an interesting one, we should try for a Histographic victory. We would, among other things, have to keep the other civilizations from winning in any other way while at the same time making sure that we don't accidentally win in any way until 2050. Conquest would also be an interesting way to win, as we would also have to keep our territory and culture down until we had conquered everybody in the world. I am not much in favor of Diplomatic victory; Diplomatic victories are easy if we determine who the second-place nation is and sign up the rest of the world in MA's against them just before the vote is held, and if they are done in any other way, they can cause sudden, unexpected defeat. I wouldn't be in favor of 100k Culture, Domination, or Space Race victories as we've already done them, but I think that it would be interesting to go for 20k Culture.
Conquest, It would bring more interest to the game.
I usually win with either domination, 100k culture, spaceship or histographic depending on circumstances and how the mood takes me. I failed dismally at trying to get a 20k culture victory in GOTM 22 (still not finished it yet, but if I do manage to win it won't be 20k!) and have never trusted enough to go for the UN vote when I knew I had a good chance of victory anyway.

So for me 20k Culture (I would like to see how this is done), Conquest or possibly Diplomatic (that seems just too sudden though) would be most interesting. I would prefer to avoid histographic as I don't find just running out of time and stopping particularly satisfying. Saying all that however, I've always felt that the objective is to win and you must be prepared to adapt or change your strategy as the situation requires.
boots brings up a good point, a historograph would be a very interesting challenge, i vote for it
There should be a poll on this.

I would vote for Conquest, since it is challenging and is the opposite of DG3, when we did spaceship.
Wow, that's a pretty diverse set of ideas to get us going. :D

It seems clear that space race is out.

One aspect to consider on attempting a histographic win is that we need to be prepared to play the entire 540 turns. At the standard rate of 80 turns per month, we would be at this for 7 months, and a rate of 60 per month is more realistic which would last 9 months. I'm fine with that if enough people can stick with it that long, just wanted to point it out.
Out of the six non-histograph victory types, I believe the victory type most suited to our civilzation would be cultural. However, a histographic victory would prove an interesting challenge. However, DaveShack brings up a good point that it will take about 9 months to win a histographic victory, and in past DG's we have had trouble filling offices after about 5 or 6 months. I would definitely support a histographic victory only if we can keep up participation for that long.
I still think that we should give it a shot. If participation slacks off, we could just advertise it on the main page, an off-topic thread, etc. until participation rises again. Participation wouldn't become so low that it would cripple the game, as there would be a core group of people who would stick with it, and I think that all of the offices could be filled, though we might have some trouble finding people to do it. Therefore, I am not concerned about a lack of participation in that DG, and in fact participation may rise as we are trying for a novel form of victory.
One special aspect of histographic is that you need to prevent AIs from winning in the other ways. That means denying each remaining opponent something which will keep them from building a spaceship, and ensuring that either no UN vote is ever held typically by building it ourselves and answering "no" to the "hold a vote" question, or by keeping world opinion so muddy that nobody can win it.
Histograph win, this is the greatest challenge, all others are wack. This brings in all different aspects of the game together; Survival, culture, Technology, money. Everything to stay up and good until 2050. This also gives for a long and nice game. Whats wrong with that? BTW, it will be a bigger challenge sinse there are like 12 opponents. It will be fun. Conquest is too much military, whats so fun about that? We already had domination...
Histograph is the most difficult indeed, but also the most boring. When we've reached the situation that no other civ can win, no matter what; the next turns are boring.

Imagine having the UN build (denying a vote) and owning all resources of Uranium (denying spacerace). We also have a strong enough army to prevent any civ from winning by force and have balanced our culture to not win that way. Then it's just boring milking the game.

I'll leave then. I want fun, not boredom.
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