Funniest Thing the Computer has Said?


Oct 30, 2001
Calgary, AB, Canada
What's the funniest thing the computer has said to you in negotiations? I've been negotiating with the Iriqous to make peace every now and then but I always refuse (I ain't given them no tech for a war I'm not losing) so the last time we talked they said

"Shesh! It's like talking to a BRICK WALL. Fine, you make an offer" heheh I found that funny..
"Not gonna do it. Wouldn't be prudent. At this time."

I just about died laughing. :D
I just concluded a trade of techs with Montezuma, and he told me:

"In honor of this agreement and your friendship, I shall sacrifice nine virgins in your honor."

Seems a little extreme to me, but.... whatever floats his boat.
Originally posted by loduke
I just concluded a trade of techs with Montezuma, and he told me:

"In honor of this agreement and your friendship, I shall sacrifice nine virgins in your honor."

Seems a little extreme to me, but.... whatever floats his boat.

Now THAT was a good one.:lol:

Here you go!
Originally posted by loduke

"In honor of this agreement and your friendship, I shall sacrifice nine virgins in your honor."

Why doesn't he just send them over to my place? :D I'm sure there are better ways to show his gratitude then reckless beheadings :p
Sacrificing Virgins is a good lesson to the rest of the female population...GET TO IT!


So the girls would be too young for you hippo -I HOPE!
Originally posted by Cunobelin Of Hippo

Why doesn't he just send them over to my place? :D I'm sure there are better ways to show his gratitude then reckless beheadings :p

Actually, if this was Montezuma of the Aztecs, those virgins could only wish they would be beheaded. However, I'm sure they would also put their hearts into pleasing me if sent over on a gallion to my capitol.:lol:
From Abe, who wanted Philosophy for nothing: "Don't think of it as paying tribute, think of it as making a contribution to world peace."

Of course I refused and later went to war.
I'm paraphrasing here but after refusing to just GIVE a tech to the Aztecs:

"That does it. You're on my list now, Buddy! Just wait, you'll get yours!"

Also, from the Iriquois:

"In honor of this agreement and your friendship, I will sacrifice 30 warriors in your honor." Looks like they either ran out of virgins or wanted to keep them for some OTHER reason.....
No kidding, Melinder. :rolleyes:

But as a Terry Pratchett fan, I just about fell out of my chair when Elizabeth made a counter-offer to one of my deals, "and that's cutting me own throat." :lol:
Originally posted by Kev
Also, from the Iriquois:

"In honor of this agreement and your friendship, I will sacrifice 30 warriors in your honor."

30? Ha! Ol' Monty sacrificed FIFTY for me! I guess some leaders are just better than others... :lol: Really, though, after he's weakened his forces that much, I should have wiped him out!
Originally posted by kittenOFchaos
Sacrificing Virgins is a good lesson to the rest of the female population...GET TO IT!


So the girls would be too young for you hippo -I HOPE!

What makes you think the virgins are female kOc? Maybe they're virgin males like, say, males who hang around Internet forums making sexist comments.
Yeah...maybe they were men :rolleyes:

Tradition demands that it is female :D

I don't HANG around internet forums...I play a part...see succession games and forums where I give help to those that play civilisation and alpha.

Obviously we need to start on the virgin sacrificing again, they are starting to NAG!

Only joking, my mum was female too ;)
P.S Julio & covern having posted here for all of a week or so (well October is when you have joined) I'm sure you'll see we haven't chased any females off.

The fact is that females don't play civ2/3/1 to the same degree that males do and furthermore aren't as proactive on the net...I don't believe for one second that they'd be scared off by the infrequent jokio.

WE (I mean I) don't care for wet fish personalities!
I don't care for sexist wankers who think violence against women is a joking subject. I'm glad most of the Brits I know don't share your sense of humour. Hopefully the UK release of will Civ3 give you something better to do.
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