IA discussion: where to settle 2nd city?


Retired Moderator
Feb 2, 2003
Arizona, USA (it's a dry heat)
We have enough information to decide where to send our next band of settlers. In the following map, either green location picks up some cattle which is obviously a good choice. The other two placements are provided for comparison, but are likely to be lower priority.

BTW this is RCP ring 4. The sites on ring 3 don't look as promising as the ones on ring 4. Discussion of whether to use rings as a guide is also encouraged.
I think the green location is the best option
Personaly I beleve the green dot is the best option to go for. Seems like a good location for a settler/worker factory.
In general, I like the RCP concept. To me it is borderline expliot, but I do use it to some extent. If we do use it, we must follow it ruthlessly.

But, we are the French! We don't need such artificial aids - we should challenge ourselves, put limits so that our superiority doesn't frighten the other nations back into the primordial ooze they evolved from!

We really, really need some scouting in the south to make this decision. Those barbs really cramped exploration badly.

I'm going to hold off on any comments until we got some more exploration done.

-- Ravensfire
I generally don't like RCP. It gives an artificial feel to the game and makes the game more about crunching numbers rather than enjoying the experience. I also think we need more scouting before we decide.
I suggest the green one. Northern or southern is fine by me.
Originally posted by wlievens
I suggest the green one. Northern or southern is fine by me.

Personaly, I dont want the city That close proximity of the jungles. The northern green dot should be good if we want to avoid the nuance diseases that Jungles and Flood plains harbor.
Sure, lets go for the northern one.
Ah, but what is on the other side of the jungle? We could be passing up a great location!

Need ... More ... DATA!!!!!

-- Ravensfire
Originally posted by ravensfire
Ah, but what is on the other side of the jungle? We could be passing up a great location!

Need ... More ... DATA!!!!!

-- Ravensfire

I agree, but there is this nasty thing about having to post some form of instructions, not to mention if the settler remains 1st in the queue, those people will be picking up their packs in roughly 350 years (that's 7 turns by the game clock). Now if we could post an instruction that says stop when the settlers are ready, then we could delay this entire discussion.

Maybe we can convince the military department to explore to the south instead of north...
Originally posted by DaveShack
Maybe we can convince the military department to explore to the south instead of north...

The Military Department has been considering exploring the south, but since we are down to one warrior its hard to decide weather to explore north or south. IF the Barbarians did not poped up or our warrior has won. I could have used that warrior to explore the south. Ill convince the local govenors to add a warrior to the build queue and have that one be sent to the south.
I vote for the Southern green dot, but either one would be fine.
I think it belongs more to the do-do (Oops! I mean da-da) style. j/k Daveshack. How much did you pay for that graphics mod anyway? ;)
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