Military: Babylonians or Russians?


In Retrospect
Jan 7, 2002
We have two potential civs we can attack.

3 Cities
Stuck in jungle (good, but only if your industrial, which we are BTW)

Note: Attacking them would be my proposal, there weak and it will clear one of our bordors (forgot which one)

5 Cities
Grassland (pretty much)
UU is bowmen, which they should currently have

Notes: We will have to attack them sooner or later. Always the culture power in Civ3, we can not risk sharing a bordor with them, but it would be better done with knights, or when there bowmen are more obselote.
None of the above, The Military is too weak.
This is not for attacking immediantly. This is for future plans ;). (prolly should have mentioned that in the first place)
It's waaaaay to early still for this sort of discussion.
We are in no position to wage war, or even mobilize for war. Our best hope is that no one looks at us as easy pickings early on.
Which is a good reason to build up a sizable force now....
Right now our military is average compared to Babylon's. What can be done to make us stronger? Will building more spearmen do the trick? Or should we build more warriors in the hope of upgrading them to swordsmen later. We currently have 239g, 1g shy of being able to upgrade 6 warriors. We're currently making 1gpt. Not sure if that will increase or not. Not sure if we have a barracks or not.
Originally posted by donsig
Right now our military is average compared to Babylon's. What can be done to make us stronger? Will building more spearmen do the trick? Or should we build more warriors in the hope of upgrading them to swordsmen later. We currently have 239g, 1g shy of being able to upgrade 6 warriors. We're currently making 1gpt. Not sure if that will increase or not. Not sure if we have a barracks or not.

We can always knock science down, build warriors and upgrade them to swordsmen for the war. Then in a peace treaty (we would have to NOT kill them off) get the techs the lost while doing it.

Or, we can get a city pre-building the GL, it might hurt our expansion alittle bit, but it would guarentee us the wonder(if calculated right). We can then drop science down to 0% and mass our military. Attack the Babloyians, then hopefully attack the Russians with knights, both before our GL runs up. (Will be tricky)
The (future) deputy military advisor says not yet, too. We need an actual standing army. We only have +1gpt, which means we'll need to LOWER science just to support an army later on. More cities = more support. We could even LET Russia finish their Collosus, then take it! :) But, that's a bit off. We need to establish a good base first, which we're just starting to do.
May I point out for (hopefully) the last time. This discussion is not over attacking immediantly. It's for making plans to attack, when would be the perfect time to do it, when we need to start building up are army, etc.
BTW, how do we know Russia isn't being attacked by an unknown civ, or being sacked by barbs? Even if it is in the jungle, it make it a tempting target for other civs. We still need to explore. I don't think the continent is done yet...
Originally posted by Chieftess
BTW, how do we know Russia isn't being attacked by an unknown civ, or being sacked by barbs? Even if it is in the jungle, it make it a tempting target for other civs. We still need to explore. I don't think the continent is done yet...

We won't know unless we go up that way, and all I know is that there weakened, it would be best not to let them get there momentum built up again.
How about we invade babylon, i dont trust them
I think russia is a good target. by the time we're killing them off we might be getting to the end of this age, and could abuse their free tech in the new age ability (they are scientific right?).

babylon is too strong for us for now, and their UU doenst make it easier. wait for their UU to be obsolete. it aint like they are gonna culture flip any of our cities any time soon anyway.
Originally posted by Shalashaska
How about we invade babylon, i dont trust them

Sorry about this, but I just have this irresistable urge...

SILENCE, YOU!!!!! :hammer:

Please don't post anything military or FA related until after Russia has the same number of cities as the map you uploaded (you know what I'm talking about).
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