Term 3 - Audiac Province: To Size and Glory


Aug 15, 2002
Citizens of Fanatica!
Thank you for the trust you put in me by overwhelmingly electing me as as new Governor of Audiac. I am new to the demogame, but I know how to play Civ III. Now I will do my very best to implement this knowledge in the frame and ruleset of DG4.

Citizens of Audiac!
Let me first thank our past governor Donovan Zoi for the fine effort he put into establishing Audiac.

You the mayors and citizens and me the governor together, we will make Audiac an example for a well-run province. Let me give you my vision on which goals we will strive to accomplish:
  1. Growth! In the first stage, we want to found new cities in our province. In the second stage, we want our cities to grow. Thus we will build granaries!
  2. For the benefit of Fanatica, we are also prepared to produce additional settlers and workers, especially to settle on the Greece/Egyptian continent. We hope to get incense to make our people happy.
  3. I will advocate our cities to put their prime effort on science (libraries, universities) and commerce (markets, banks). Since our terrain does not give us a lot of shields, we have to use the shields to their max.
  4. Audiac is the overseas gateway of Fanatica. I will argue to build a harbor in Huntington asap to open trade routes. New Falcon's Haven opens the northern ocean. I will ask bold people to set sail on suicide galleys trying to find (among others) the notorious Xerxes and acquire his gold and knowledge.
    [/list=1] But life is not without risks:
    1. We must not fall victim to barbarians; massive uprisings will happen soon .
    2. Since we were too slow in settling, the Egyptians have arrived and are about to steal our wines. Should we go to war to claim by force what is rightfully ours?
    3. We must vote in the polls to get decisions good for Audiac and Fanatica.
      [/list=1] Together we will be Shaping Chaos into Order! Resistance is Futile!
Governor of Audiac: tao
Deputy Governor of Audiac: open; applications welcome
Link to term 2 Audiac Province

Vandelay has its own thread here
St. Octaviansburg
Raven's Flight
New Falcons Heaven

Population: 11
Shields per turn (after waste): 10
Commerce per turn (after corruption): 20

Build Queues
This is my intention for our fine cities. But since I am new to the demogame, I am not sure about the excact long-time projections. But at least you get the basis for any discussion to erupt.

Vandelay: settler, settler, settler, worker, worker, library, market

Build queue for Cijam: granary, settler, worker, library, market

Build queue for St. Octaviansburg: switch to harbor, library, market, aqueduct

Build queue for Raven's Flight: switch to library, harbor, market, catapult?, catapult?, aqueduct

Build queue for New Falcons Heaven: granary, suicide galleys until we make contact, library, market

Of course the queues are open for discussion and modification. I will also contact the Governor of Berry to coordinate our efforts.

Whenever I post as governor, I will post in dark-blue. Nobody else should use this color.
Whenever I post as citizen, I will post in black.
Never ever should a picture wider than 800 pixels be posted in this thread. Violators will be ridiculed.
If you consider something missing in this post, please tell me by pm.
Governor tao,

I'm reviewing the current situation throughout Fanatica. I've found a matters that I feel is important, and would like for you to look into.

Once Vandalay completes it's settler next turn, please request the DP to ensure that the labor allocations still include both mined BG's to ensure maximum production. With the Granary, Vandalay will quickly regain the lost population - but we need as many settlers as possible!

-- Ravensfire, Minister of Internal Affairs
I appoint Civanator as Deputy Governor of Audiac Province.

In the Senate I have requested 10% lux for one turn. This way we can grow Vandelay next turn when it builds the settler: faster expansion.
Good day to you Mr Governor.

I have an official request to you. Can you please make an effort to build a harbor ?

We are on the border of unhappyness in some cities (Vandelay for instance). Greece has some extra incense-stuff-thingies on offer. But we can't import them because we have no harbor.

Rik Meleet
T&T Minister.

I wish to draw your attention to the last chart on this page.

In short, culturally we stink. We have a grand total of two cities producing culture - DR and VM. As you plan for the next few turn chats, the Ministry of Internal Affairs strongly urges you to consider some vital cultural initiatives. While we understand that there are other demands upon your cities, the need for culture is undeniable.

Our armies may capture cities, but strong culture will keep them ours. Our settlers may found new cities bordering with other civs, but strong culture will keep them ours. We must begin to rectify this situation.

As we plan for the next turn chat, please remember to help the starving artists of Fanatica!

-- Ravensfire, Minister of Internal Affairs
I have posted turn chat instruction. We will build libraries, some immediately, some later, to comply with the culture request.

We will not build a harbor, since Huntington seems to be adamant on building it.
Originally posted by tao
I have posted turn chat instruction. We will build libraries, some immediately, some later, to comply with the culture request.

We will not build a harbor, since Huntington seems to be adamant on building it.

Excellent! That's all we ask!

-- Ravensfire, Minister of Internal Affairs
My Lord Governor,

As we prepare for the upcoming battle, I request that you continue utilizing Vandelay for Settler/Worker production. Should we lose any cities, those settlers will be needed to replace them. Should our offensive prove successful, those settler will be needed to hold the new territory. Finally, regardless of the conflict, we have significant areas in Audiac and in the east that should prove profitable to settle in, giving us more productive cities.

My thanks for you time!
-- Ravensfire, Minister of Internal Affairs
Honorable MIA!

If you read my posts, you know that I always was and will be in favor of building more settlers in Vandelay. And of settling our west.

Please be aware, that our growth and settler production would significantly increase if we are a republic. Please see here what I suggest. I hope you will support this IMHO very good action.
Governor tao,

Although war has broken out, I ask that your province unless requested by others or to your wish to stick to domestic buildup. i have instructed Berry to begin mass-buildup for the war, but we cannot sacrifice all of our production to the war. If you need to build units for the war I will not stop you, but I hope that you keep to domestic to let our empire survive this evil that marches before us.

- Sarevok
Minister of Defense
Civanotor, your enthusiasm to serve is commendable. However, our laws prevent you from holding 2 deputy positions. You are listed as deputy of T&T and of Audiac. You will need to pick one position and resign the other.
The SaaMtom Of the Opera...

Greetings, tao. I (I, I, I (Angels in America)) have returned! I wish to claim the throne in the city of my namesake, Cabaret Voltaire. This is a desert city which was founded in the last TC. I will form the thread on my own.

Dooo! Do do do do dooo! Do do do do do do doooo!
To: Stuck_As_a_Mac
Welcome to Audiac. Let Cabaret Voltaire be another strong asset in our province. Fight off the foreigners, strengthen our infrastructure.
I would suggest building library for science and harbor for growth. What do you think?

To: Civanator
Sorry to see you go. OTOH our trading is in need of improvement. I wish you every success.
greetings governor tao.
all responses in this thread that i make will be in lowercase in tribute to the author e. e. cummings . i agree with the need for the library and the harbor. you have my full support on it were you to do it

whose name looks weird in lowercase
These are my plans for the upcoming turnchat. Discussion welcome.

Build Queues
Vandelay: library, market
comment 1: if we go for wonder building, the library should be hurried once the Great Wall is built and there is no cascade
comment 2: once we are republic, we have so much food that one of the mined mountains should be worked instead of the SW flood plain

Cijam: settler, settler, library, market
comment: the next citizen should work the mined tile, if we switch to republic

St. Octaviansburg: market, aqueduct
comment: next citizen should work the (then hopefully mined) 2nd hill

Raven's Flight: library, harbor; please work newly cleared/ mined tile with the next citizen

New Falcons Heaven: granary, suicide galleys until we make contact, library, market

Cabaret Voltaire: library, harbor
comment: please work the flood plain instead of the mine and with the next citizen the forrest

Ooligaria: switch to library, market
comment: once we have the 2nd flood plain irrigated, use it

standing wishes
if it is at all possible, please mm cities to coincide building of settlers/workers with pop growth
once a tile is improved, if possible please mm city in order use "best" improved tiles

strong recommendation
if we revolt, please mm all cities for max growth (shields and commerce are lost in anarchy) while not revolting
once we are republic mm all cities again to "best" status

wishlist for worker actions in Audiac
I'm not sure whether as Governor I can give instructions, (I'm not even sure who can) but I would like to give the following suggestions:

2 workers available: irrigate; road the flood plain
afterwards 1st worker should change irrigation on wheat to mine; if the new settler goes to site W, road toward it along the river and thru the desert; otherwise support settler elsewhere
2nd worker should irrigate, road the flood plain for Ooligaria, then road the desert to connect with the plains southwest, where we will road and mine the river shore

New Falcon's Heaven:
immediately road the E forrest; we are way over-irrigated; afterwards mine and road the W mountain

Raven's Flight:
clear, mine, road the remaining jungle; afterwards mine the roaded mountain near St. Octaviansburg; afterwards work towards Cabaret Voltaire (see below)

St. Octaviansburg:
until we have the aqueduct, we only need a mine on the hill

Cabaret Voltaire:
irrigate & road the flood plain, road the forrest, road, mine the hill

Note: There is a stack of 4 workers south towards Babylon, buit roading jungle takes 5 turns; thus only use 3, move 4th immediately. And I would not road the current tile but build the road straight S of Santa Lucia.
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