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THE new idea for civ


Jun 17, 2003
I thought of this today and i think it would pretty much revolutionize the game. What if you could do simulataneous attacks. So instead of having one unit attack at a time you could attack with 2 units, or jsut engage every unit in the city with every unit you're going to attack with. also say you had a mechanized infantry and a tank in the same stack. the mechanized infantry would become the defense and the tank would be the attack, not only would this be more realistic, but it would also take for less time for battles to occur.
It already works this way. You can use the J command to do a stacked attack (all units in a stack attack until you win or die). Also, if your stack is attacked, the strongest defensive unit automatically defends each time. So...unless you mean something different, I don't think this idea is going to revolutionize the game...
I guess that would pretty much revolutionize the game too.
i mean one simultaneous attack where all units would engage in a single battle. imagine you were at war, would you send one unit at a time to get killed? If you had 20 tank units why would you send them in one at a time? youwould send them all in at once to kick ass, that's what i'm talking about.so saya city is defended by 3 infantry and you have 9 tanks, basically each unit would be fighting 3 tanks at once.
Originally posted by dreamvirus
It already works this way. You can use the J command to do a stacked attack (all units in a stack attack until you win or die). Also, if your stack is attacked, the strongest defensive unit automatically defends each time. So...unless you mean something different, I don't think this idea is going to revolutionize the game...

There is such a thing as a stacked attack? I didn't know that. :mischief:
in Call to power that is how it works. Attackers on the first row, defenders on the back...if u wanted u could pull up an animated screen that showed the battle , it happens in
two rounds, with bombard units acting first each round.
I think a more "revolutionary" system would be something like this coupled with flanking/surrounding the enemy ect. advantages or unit against unit advantages, so calvary doesn't have an attack advantage against a walled city...
Ah ok, I understand now, you mean that units' power multiplies when they are in a stack together, so 3 archers would attack as a single +6 unit. This would certainly make it very powerful to use stacks of units but I'm not sure you're right about it being more realistic. One of the features of combat in reali life is the ability to use terrain to reduce an attacking force's power - there are famous examples in history such as when a small band of Spartans held a narrow pass against a much larger army. The Spartans weren't able to attack as a "stack" by standing on each other's shoulders, had to attack 1 or 2 at once, and so were unable to use their numerical advantage.

I do agree that there are ways in which the current 1-at-a-time combat system could be improved but you have to remember that this is not primarily a combat game but a strategy game, and whatever combat system you use will have to be simple and controllable so that a human player can handle it and so that it is "balanced" in the sense that it allows for deep gameplay. Even though the current system has flaws I believe it works for what it is intended to do.

Sorry for being sarcastic earlier, I hadn't understood what you were suggesting.
Originally posted by dreamvirus
The Spartans weren't able to attack as a "stack" by standing on each other's shoulders, had to attack 1 or 2 at once, and so were unable to use their numerical advantage.
I think that was the Persians who were unable to use the numerical advantage. However, in civ, those extra soldiers did not represent a numerical advantage, but it represented what the Persian immortal should have - extra hit points.
It's not an RTS. That would surely 'revolutionize' this game.

If what you are looking for is to have battles 'take less time' turn off the animations.
that's not at all what i'm looking for. i'm looking fopr a more realistic battle. like i said before if i was attacking a city in real life and i had 10 tank units, i wouldn't send them in one unit at a time, i would send them all in at once
If you want to do that, why don't you just make a mod where Armies are buildable for 1 shield, right from the start? Wouldn't that fix the problem?
Originally posted by Lord Parkin
If you want to do that, why don't you just make a mod where Armies are buildable for 1 shield, right from the start?

Hmm... interesting *scratches non existant beard*

I might want to try that some day. You would also have to mod the 1-army-per-4-cities limitation. Is that possible?
The AI does use armies but they just dont use them well (I saw a spearman in an army with a jag warrior and a cavalry :rolleyes:
The use of armies is not nearly as bad as the attack priority on your own armies. The AI usually bypasses a cav army even though it would be better to take it out.
Originally posted by SublimeAndy
that's not at all what i'm looking for. i'm looking fopr a more realistic battle. like i said before if i was attacking a city in real life and i had 10 tank units, i wouldn't send them in one unit at a time, i would send them all in at once

But on the other hand if a tank attacks a city that has 10 Infantry in it they wouldn't defend one at a time, they'd all attack(defend) at once.

Since you're sending a single attacker against a single defender in a way it's all happening at once, and if you have more units you can attack each person twice. I'm confused.
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