
  1. Birdjaguar

    AI and Art

    Does It Matter to You if AI Makes a Work Of Art You Love? WSJ Readers Are Divided New tools amplify the efforts of artists and amateurs. Should this change how we feel about art? BY DEMETRIA GALLEGOS SOME ARTISTS, musicians and authors have dedicated themselves to years of grueling training...
  2. Kyriakos

    What book are you reading, ιf' - Iff you read books

    This is the sixteenth thread, or in the non-barbaric enumeration, ιf'. Apparently the convention is to not list all previous threads, only the one before this, which is here. I am reading the Paradoxes of Mr. Pond, by Chesterton. It is a collection of short stories :)
  3. Imaus

    Civilization IV - the manual.

    Anyone else still have their manual? The nice physical one, that feels perfect in your hands, 224 pages of information and nostalgia. I can still remember the smell of it when it was new. I still have my copy. I wonder if it could be scanned up? The pages are alright, though the cover and back...
  4. M

    A-Z book for adults now (children's A-Z book got rejected)

    A literary agent rejected my children's book on A-Z future technologies. Now I'm going to try it for adults but I feel my list is too generic. I made it so kids could understand it. Now I'm doing it for adults so their is no handicap.Here's my list Antimatter rocket Brain implant Clone DNA...
  5. Ailedhoo

    The Golden House: Salman Rushdie's 2017 Novel

    Salman Rushdie is to publish his next work, the Golden House, this coming September. From the Guardian article: Self-note: I have a signed copy of Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights via when Salman Rushdie visited Bristol in the autumn of 2015. Anyhow: I am looking forward to...
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