early game

  1. King Phaedron

    Not living in America is a Denouncible Offense!

    I may not have noticed all this time, because I don't usually have America anywhere nearby in my games, but I've had several now where this is case, and every single time, they denounce me very shortly after meeting in like turn 10. Always because of his Agenda, I'm where the continents change...
  2. DrCron

    Tips from players who already won on high difficulties?

    Hi everyone, I'm only now starting to play on Civilization difficulty, hoping to move to Humankind soon. Are there any things I should know, especially to do better during the classical era? So far it feels like I can play neolithic and ancient eras more or less ok, but in the classical era...
  3. qwerty4429

    Help n00b

    Hello! New forum member here. I enjoy vox populi, and I think have played around 200hrs already. However, I have no slightest clue how to play on immortal\deity. On emperor, game is quite easy, where I chill or early war, and then have powerspike in medieval where I just vassalize nearest...
  4. tank_

    [Civ2] what do you think of my rules.txt early game set-up

    Greetings, oh wise rulers; hear now the words of pebble, high priest of the Zulus... okay i' ve been playing too much civ. So seriously, i' ve messed around with the Rules.txt , and now the outcome is that early game is much big. bigger cities, bigger empires, and many more turns compared to...
  5. T

    First build

    I'm reading Sisiutil's strategy guide and came across this statement regarding the first training / build . "Many players prefer to build a Warrior first , timing the build by changing the tile worked by the capital's first citizen so that the unit is finished on the same turn that the city...
  6. bcaiko

    Are early UUs basically worthless?

    Folks - Since the technology/culture eras in Civ6 process so quickly, I can't help but wonder if early era unique units are basically useless compared to later era units. Here's my logic: By the time you're able to build enough of the early UUs to make a difference, the AI has already moved...
  7. R

    [BNW] Horrific Modded Early Game Lag

    For some reason, when I play a modded game when I click "Next Turn" it takes between 3-4 Minutes for the AI turns to process. This issue just started happening after a previously modded game that took ~550 turns without any issues. Also, city states take up a bulk of the turn time (~2 Minutes)...
  8. Is this the bayou?

    Is this the bayou?

    My archers travelling by boat on land
  9. F

    How important is city management?

    Hello community Let's compare two players: filthyrobot: and Trump: These two players are very good at strategy games and have "much" skill. When I watch Filthy I always see him locking down tiles and managing them. When I watch Trump I see that he never locking down tiles or manage them in...
  10. C

    Early-Game Concepts for Beginners (BNW)

    Civilization 5 Early-Game Guide for Beginners Link to the original article from Carl's Civ5 Strategy Site Gameplay Concepts, Build Orders, Policies, Research, and Starting a Game Strong This Guide will go over some of the basic principles of Civ 5's early-game, primarily the first 100 turns...
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