
  1. Predator145


    This is a copy paste job of Wyrmshadow's pillbox, Goldfool's fort and Kyriakos' motte and bailey fort. Blockhouses are the lightest class of permanent fortifications. They're cheap to construct and serve to secure roads and lines of communication and provide warning. They were crucial in...
  2. AzraelZephyrian

    [MOD] My first real mod! Industrial Combat Overhaul--yes, I'm making an overhaul

    Here it is! Bandicam 2019-04-16 04-23-50-499 by AzraelZephyrian posted Apr 16, 2019 at 4:30 AM Adds some new units, new fortifications--foxholes and foxhole outposts (which can be used to claim land with your millitary units), extends range of several gunpowder units, makes stock gunpowder...
  3. Golan v

    Where or How do i reduce Fortification Health?

    Wile the Expansion of GS came out' it update the R&F , and made changes to the cities and so on... I managed do reduced the over Fortification from 400 to 250 (because it seems ok) but where can I find how to reduce the + of : + from districts + from wall defense + from palace guard + from...
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