obsolete tech

  1. TheOneHitPupper

    [DISCONTINUED] Help with making resources obsolete?

    I'm trying to make a tech tree overhaul mod and have certain early-game resources that I want to disappear/change to another resource from the map. This is the code I have so far. GameEvents.TeamSetHasTech.Add(function(iTeam, iTech, bAdopted) local pTeam = Teams[iTeam] local iPlayer =...
  2. sman1975

    Making Improvements Obsolete?

    Hello, I'm working on a mod that adds a few improvements throughout the tech tree, but it would be nice if I could remove some of the earlier ones when their later (and better stats/more capable) versions become available. Since the Improvements table doesn't have an ObsoleteTech entry and I...
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