
  1. gwennog

    Tomatekh's Kyivan Rus' (Yaroslav the Wise) for VP v.3

    Adaptation of Kyivan Rus for Vox Populi. Does not require the original mods. To talk about it Credits: (All Rights Reserved to original authors) Original mod Tomatekh's Kievan Rus' (Yaroslav) Leugi: Leader screen. janboruta: Leader, UB1, and Civ icons Danrell: Unit graphic Andrew Holt: DoM...
  2. gwennog

    Tomatekh's Kyivan Rus' (Yaroslav the Wise) for VP

    Kyivan Rus' (Requires VP4.2 at least for full compatibility) Download Here Leader - Yaroslav the Wise UA - From the Varangians to the Greeks :trade: Trade Routes with :c5citystate: City-States generate +1 :c5influence: Influence per turn per each owned :trade: City-State Trade Route (up to...
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