[] Selecting city focus food creates unemployed citizens


May 28, 2002
As you can see in the image, after selecting "city focus: food" the AI chooses to create unemployed citizens, instead of specialists, for population that can't work a map tile. With this behaviour the city loses yields. I think it should be tweaked so that AI picks the specialists who give more yields first. If they are equal, pick one specialist of each type.


  • City_focus_food.jpg
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a) You seem to have a million mods in use... one of them could either change what unemployed citizens and specialists actually produce/need food and/or how they are distributed.

b) the city already grows next turn, which makes the AI want to maximize on production (after food). I'm pretty sure that if you play one turn and have the city grow, so that it needs for e.g. 10 turns to grow again, the "better specialists" will be used unless a) is true. Okay okay... still weird it doesn't use at least the engineers in that case.
a) You seem to have a million mods in use... one of them could either change what unemployed citizens and specialists actually produce/need food and/or how they are distributed.

b) the city already grows next turn, which makes the AI want to maximize on production (after food). I'm pretty sure that if you play one turn and have the city grow, so that it needs for e.g. 10 turns to grow again, the "better specialists" will be used unless a) is true. Okay okay... still weird it doesn't use at least the engineers in that case.

I only have 2 mods active: infoaddict and unofficial patch (without Vem part enabled). None of both modifies the citizens allocation.
It's just default behaviour that a citizan becomes unemployed if there aren't any tiles to work, the mods indeed have nothing to do with this.
The citizen focus just deals with which tiles are being selected, not which specialist slots.

Obviously what you want is that this gets changed and that if there's no place on the map for a citizen, it goes to a building's specialist slot first if there is one available. That's a reasonable request to make.
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