1.18 Civilizations - Brainstorming

What are people's thoughts on Troy? Should it represented on the new map, and if so by an Indy city or just as part of the Hittites?
If it's represented as an Indy city, is it possible to give it unique buildings and possibly units to give it some more flavour? Someone created a civ before which has Trojan Walls as a unique building which would be pretty cool. And also an Apollonian Gurad UU, which is perhaps less historical and feels more Greek inspired than uniquely Trojan.

In terms of the city itself, should it be razed by an AI Greece or barbs (or everyone except the Hittites) upon capture?
Unlikely at least for now because they would be a late-game isolated civ. The focus currently is on civs that will have an impact on others currently in the game, which Australia won't
I'd love to see Australia, the Boers, and the Manchu. I'd also like to see medieval Egypt get its own UHVs. Of course, I completely understand why Leoreth didn't put these into 1.18. Australia and the Boers would be late-game isolated civs and the current China civ does an adequate job of representing the Qing dynasty as an AI opponent. Of course, I think it would be fun to play the Qing with their own UHVs, there was a modmodmod several years ago that did this and it was a fun experience. There is also a good Cixi leaderhead. I know that Cixi wasn't the greatest leader, but she's somewhat iconic and a perfect representation of the ailing Qing dynasty.
What are people's thoughts on Troy? Should it represented on the new map, and if so by an Indy city or just as part of the Hittites?
If it's represented as an Indy city, is it possible to give it unique buildings and possibly units to give it some more flavour? Someone created a civ before which has Trojan Walls as a unique building which would be pretty cool. And also an Apollonian Gurad UU, which is perhaps less historical and feels more Greek inspired than uniquely Trojan.

In terms of the city itself, should it be razed by an AI Greece or barbs (or everyone except the Hittites) upon capture?
Troy was built about 3000 BC, and had still existed until the fall of the Roman empire.

Maybe it would be called Bursa by modern civilizations.
I'd love to see Australia, the Boers, and the Manchu. I'd also like to see medieval Egypt get its own UHVs.
They will make it into the game eventually.
They will make it into the game eventually.
Awesome! I have some wonder suggestions for when the Boers get added in, and some ideas for the Boer civ when you're ready. I really do like the look of the light green savanna terrain in South Africa, it's quite pretty and blends with the other terrain well.
I don't know if you still need diplomacy music for any of the new civs, or any future civs, but here are some I made. The Indian song and Inisheer are arrangements of preexisting tunes. The other two are completely written by me.

American Indian (could be used for the Toltecs)
Inisheer (Irish, I know the Celts already have diplo music, this could maybe be added to the soundtrack as background music for the medieval era)
Peking Temple (perhaps could be the Manchu diplo music someday)
Streets of Bombay (Works for Middle Eastern or South Asian civs)
I don't know if you still need diplomacy music for any of the new civs, or any future civs, but here are some I made. The Indian song and Inisheer are arrangements of preexisting tunes. The other two are completely written by me.

American Indian (could be used for the Toltecs)
Inisheer (Irish, I know the Celts already have diplo music, this could maybe be added to the soundtrack as background music for the medieval era)
Peking Temple (perhaps could be the Manchu diplo music someday)
Streets of Bombay (Works for Middle Eastern or South Asian civs)
Wow, I really liked it. It was very good, really similar to the type of diplomacy background music in CIV4.

Especially the song "Street of Bombay". It could even be used in some other CIV/age on the Indian subcontinent.

It's very cool. and the good thing is that because it is original there would be no copyright problems.
They will make it into the game eventually.
Medieval Egypt is IMO an amazing addition because Egypt's current attempt of being ancient egypt, medieval egypt AND modern egypt is extremely bugged.
I have been brainstorming such an idiotic Civilization idea and it's for the Hunnic civilization.
Basically, the Huns can play similarly like Mongols for classical era, but their main gimmick is that they acquire bonus units thru pillage/conquest and they're locked to one city, the capital or they have simply no cities. They also raze twice as fast and they can only raze cities.
I have been brainstorming such an idiotic Civilization idea and it's for the Hunnic civilization.
Basically, the Huns can play similarly like Mongols for classical era, but their main gimmick is that they acquire bonus units thru pillage/conquest and they're locked to one city, the capital or they have simply no cities. They also raze twice as fast and they can only raze cities.
R&F of the Ancient World (?) have them implemented this way. It leads to rather peculiar gameplay similar to Warlords Barbarians scenario. Honestly don't think it's a good idea - as AI they fill same role as Barbarians, as human played civ... just play Barbarians mod, really.
R&F of the Ancient World (?) have them implemented this way. It leads to rather peculiar gameplay similar to Warlords Barbarians scenario. Honestly don't think it's a good idea - as AI they fill same role as Barbarians, as human played civ... just play Barbarians mod, really.
Have them labeled as player only, similar to polynesia.
Ok, thats enough for this dumb idea.,
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