(1-VT) Open borders needed for trade routes once unlocked

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Jan 30, 2016
Hungary, Earth, M.W. Galaxy
Proposal: Open borders are not needed for trade routes, but
  • yields from Trade Routes are heavily nerfed
  • the already existing bonus from Open borders is greatly increased for compensation
Rationale: a less radical version of an otherwise really interesting idea

- more emphasis on diplomacy and good relationship by giving the otherwise kinda meh Open borders a serious economic weight, making it much more important​
- make "economic unions" between good neighbours actually competitive - the furthest away City not necessarily will be the most profitable​
- give more control to the player - acts as a "mini-embargo": we can decide who can benefit from our Cities, while at the same time making war (or global sanction) not the sole alternative in preventing "leeching" from an undesirable party​
- low effort work: no extra implementation needed, just tweaking values​

Things to look out for:
The amount to nerf: maybe even up to -50%, considering how abundant Gold is starting from midgame
The amount to buff: about the same for compensation, but could be slightly less (again, too much Gold imo) or even slightly more (making Open borders even more lucrative)
Other yields than Gold: aka science, culture could be also nerfed, although that can upset catching up to the AI on higher difficulties (unless you're friends and have Open borders ofc, so maybe it's irrelevant)
Religious pressure: could it / should it have an effect

Reference: https://forums.civfanatics.com/thre...de-routes-once-unlocked.679705/#post-16352229

@Recursive if I've made something wrong (e.g. the title) please feel free to correct it
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Posted in the other thread but maybe needed here too.
If you're going to nerf TR yields to increase open border bonus, can you limit that to only TR to another civs pls ? Not gonna be fun if TR yield to CS are also reduced as collateral.
Please be aware that this will likely be vetoed, as we are no longer in the Proposal phase.
I’ll be mini recursive here, you need to be specific in the proposal . Something like “-50% to tr yields, +50% to TR yield with open borders" kind of thing.
Proposal vetoed.

No proposals allowed during the Sponsorship Phase, please wait until tomorrow. Also, as Rekk said,
  • yields from Trade Routes are heavily nerfed
  • the already existing bonus from Open borders is greatly increased for compensation
Is not specific enough. You need to provide numbers.
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