1000 ways you know you played Alpha Centauri too much!

I can't believe it's not here yet . . .

638: For You Have Tasted The Fungus.
639: every now and again you click on the AlphaHQ website link which came with SMAC to see where it will take you, and this time you are appalled (Appalled I tell you!) that its now some sort of Japanese teenage dating site. :vomit:

Seriously, I think we need to have Sister Miriam issue a fatwa against the Japanese for this.

640: You think it must be a mistake that you were able to read all of this thread.
641: You are sad when you have finished reading the wiki, again.
642: You passionately theory craft on the tech path, even though you have no-one to tell it to.
643: You idly wonder if Frontier could be convinced to code an addition to the upcoming Elite Odyssey, where the events of Pandora can be played out as a first person sim.
644: You really do know that the drones need you still.
645: You respect the original developers for not placing all vehicle upgrades behind real money micropayments.
646: You are terrified that future developers will read that and think it's a brilliant idea.
647: There is a strange sense of unity with the mod who defended the last base with all their might.
40. You try to get a specific result from the game all of the time when you live in an upbringing as crummy as mine. (i.e. Believers-minded home when you know that the University is literally 10,000x superior) [Therefore, you begin to wonder if you can really, in fact, be the rightful ruler when you're as literally TRAPPED as I am; despite having Vendetta against your utterly crud youthhood.]

Also, Nerve Stapling is an Atrocity under the UN Charter. Now like, please don't do it if you want to keep your Integrity intact; like I do.

[Welcome to the Promethean Viral Era (Earth-style), folks.]
649 You play the same start savegame over and over again, because you managed to have a rainy Garland Crater as your starting point.
651: when a random bumper sticker catches your eye, and your first thought is "Oh great, Believer probes are invading our territory!"
Believer Probe Team.png
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