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Video Game Quiz V3.0

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Interplanetary Assassin
May 10, 2002
Since the last thread was declared full, lets start anew.
Links to the first and second threads

I'll open with an easy:mischief: one:

Tell me in detail what these are:
In Civ3:

Longbow is 4 attack, 1 defense with Invention needed to create.

Catapult is (I think) 3 bombard damage with Mathematics needed to create.

Hoplite is 1 attack, 3 defense and requires Iron Working. It is a Greece-Only unit.
Civ 3:

longbow: A:4 D:1 M:1 BS:2 ROF:1 Invention

catapult: A:0 D:0 M:1 BS:4 R:1 ROF:1 Mathematics

hoplite: A:1 D:3 M:1 Greek UU, Spearman/Pikeman replacement, Bronzeworking
Alpha Killer II said:
PS: Why is there a smiley limit? :(

Because you don't need 14 :lol: smilies when only one will do :rolleyes:

And it probably takes up space on the server.
Wrong games. Here's some more hints:
No idea - is it old ?

(subscription post)
Mechwarrior and Mechcommander?

I actually don't know much about the series, I only got to play the latter, though always wnated a shot on the actual simulator.
Rheinmetall if I understand your clue correctly I thought that there were no catapults in Shogun: Total War. I know for sure that there are no catapults in Nobunaga's Ambition either unless you're refering to Nobunaga no Yabou: Kakushin.
These are indeed 'Mech chassis's. But the game in question is still in development.
I'm not going to go through the games in question, as I prefer to answer the questions without google. I'll just guess the one I have played:

Mechcommander 1
This might actually be impossible to guess. It's not a commercial one.
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