Signature discussion III

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Apr 20, 2002
NES/FG/SF Activity:Arguing the toss
This is a place where all of us can discuss about signatures. You can tell your opinion of sigs of other members, or tell about your signature.

In your face, Hitti-Litti :p

Damn that felt good :smug:
My signature represents the ultimate truth in the universe.
I thought it was funny.
Added a quote by Alan Greenspan because I hate Ben Bernanke.

And I love Alan Greenspan.
Advertise AbNES!
Don't listen to him! He's relentless in his pursuit of publicity!

He ain't yo pimp, lord_joakim! You advertise your own NES and no-one else's, ya hear? Werd. :p

(Oh, and my sig's got the forum game that I'm hosting in it, and stuff. Yep.)
Mediawhore indeed. Tho I have dropped drafting from the games forum since I have a full rosta of players now! :p
Mine includes Moobs...
Signature updated to cover current events.
My old one

Consider this small dust, here in the glass,
By atoms moved :
Could you believe that this the body was
Of one that loved ;

Was from a Ben Jonson poem. Those were the lines my mother put on my father's urn.
Signature updated to cover the wave of protectionist sentiment.

Democrats cannot simultaneously talk about improving America's standing abroad while acting like a belligerent unilateralist when it comes to trade policy. | Our neighbors are not amused.

IRNCH. We are one. | Travel well. We'll be waiting on the other side.
Progresa | Microfinance | Raise the gax tax | (5.25, -4.00)

Godwynn said:
Added a quote by Alan Greenspan because I hate Ben Bernanke.

And I love Alan Greenspan.
Be nice to Ben. He's got a hard road ahead of him. I certainly wouldn't want to be central banker right now... :p
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