(4-35a) Counterproposal: Remove resistance from Inquisitors

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Aug 9, 2017
Alberta, Canada
Counter proposal to this.

Right now inquisitors do this:
- Cost 200 faith
- Remove half of all foreign religious pressure in a city, or at least 1 follower’s worth of foreign pressure. Whichever is bigger.
Cause 1 turn of :c5occupied:resistance in that city (generate no yields and maximum:c5unhappy: unhappiness for 1 turn)

Using inquisitors to maintain your own religion is currently too punishing.

Remove the 1 turn of :c5occupied:Resistance when an inquisitor removes heresy.
Increase the :c5faith: Faith cost of inquisitors to 300, scaling with era (50% more than a missionary)

Inquisition Enhancer
No longer removes the turn of Resistance from Inquisitor action (since that no longer exists)
Increase Faith purchase discount on Inquisitors to 33% (from 300 to 200, same as a missionary)

Inquisitors originally removed 100% of all foreign religious pressure for only 200 faith.
The turn of resistance was added first, because inquisitors were too efficient at protecting your religion at minimal cost to your faith economy.
Then, inquisitors effectiveness was halved to 50% of foreign pressure. A floor was later added so that they could “mop up” small bits of pressure in cities, instead of just halving small amounts.

With the old 100%, a religious defender’s ability to protect itself was absolute; they just had to tolerate the cost. There was no spreading play, because the spreading counterplay shut down foreign spreading entirely.With inquisitor’s remove heresy effectiveness halved, a dedicated spreader can still overwhelm a defender. This also added a new dimension to spreading to yourself: is it more effective to remove foreign pressure with an inquisitor or add more of my own pressure with a missionary?

The problem now is that the cost of using inquisitors is too high. It used to be worth it when they could completely shut down foreign spread, but now it is paralyzingly to your empire’s economy for too little gain.

With this change, we keep the more interesting decisions that 50% inquisitors gives. Defending yourself from foreign religions returns to being about putting your faith economy against a foreign religion’s faith output of missionaries. Unlike reverting back to 100% effective inquisitors, this also allows for religious domination of foreign civs, because their defence isn’t perfect.
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Resistance is important, so you can't just counter a religion spread easily. There should be a side effect of doing it, and 1 turn of resistance is a good side effect for that purpose. Sadly Inquisitor has become not the ideal unit to purchase because they can only do their job one time, better just use Missionary if you still have some religious pressure.
The Faith cost, and therefore the opportunity cost of spending that faith, is enough of a penalty. The civ that is spreading to you is not paralyzing their economy by pushing out missionaries; it's too onerous on a defender to have to cripple their whole economy in order to stop a foreign spreader.

As a result of how high the cost of inquisitors is, there is almost no situation where their use is warranted. So they don't get used at all, and players opt to self-spread with missionaries on defense. It shouldn't be like this; there should be a place for usable inquisitors.
A floor was later added so that they could “mop up” small bits of pressure in cities, instead of just halving small amounts.
When did this happen? I must've missed the logs.

Proposal sponsored by Recursive.
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