[MOD] Globe view defaults


Dec 20, 2008
Russia, Moscow
  • Trying out a different camera setup and city bar scaling in my quest to placate SO.
    • Globe view now happens at 10 000 distance, was 12 000.
      • Before PPIO it was at 6400, in case you want that reference.
      • Changing this is the only way to adjust when the camera angle starts to change, so the above view will happen at a bit closer zoom level now.
As of v. 11018 default globe view is still too far away to my liking. As other owners of monitors with large resolution might find this info useful, I hoped author of these changes would provide info here how we can change default globe zoom.
@Toffer90, would you please inform which parameters in
..\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization IV Beyond the Sword\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Caveman2Cosmos\Assets\XML\GlobalDefines.xml
must be change to manipulate default zoom level of globe view?
As of v. 11018 default globe view is still too far away to my liking.
What must be changed to manipulate default zoom level of globe view?
These values are the most important to change:
<Key>10000, .1</Key>
<Key>%CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE, 1.00</Key>​
<Key>9900, 0</Key>
<Key>10000, 1</Key>​
<Key>10000, 0</Key>
<Key>%CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE*0.7, 0.9</Key>​
The green values needs to be the same, and they all define the camera distance to the map at which globe view comes into play.
You should keep the red value there somewhat smaller than the green value, a 100 less is probably good regardless of the green number value.

There are other values that may benefit from being adjusted along with these ones, but these are the important ones for what you are asking about.
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