Age of Empires: Return of Rome


Trekkie At Large
Jun 29, 2003
Heart of Dixie
Age of Empires II Definitive Edition is getting a special DLC to celebrate AoE's 25th anniversary. From the sound of things, it will let players play with all of the original AoE civs, but (with the exception of Rome) not against the standing AoE crew. I'm guessing balancing that many civs would have been an issue -- plus, there's the fact that there would be two Persias!
Love all the new DLCs and addons they've been doing for the classic AoE games.. although this one is a bit weird.. half expected the article to say april 1st lol.

Adding ancient era civs into medieval era and having them somehow all balance is odd...

That's probably why they're keeping them seperated. I can't imagine they're trying to force in the old AoE tech tree. Of course, I'm still on AOE HD edition....never bought DE because I couldn't figure there was a significant difference.
Yeah, I skipped Definitive Edition too, for the same reason, there weren't enough obvious differences and I already had HD Edition (and the disc editions, which still worked last time I tried them). I suppose now there's a good reason to buy it, this new DLC that seems to essentially add all the original game content that I missed because I joined the party with The Age of Kings.
I haven't played much of the aoe1 part of the dlc, but I love the new Roman civ. Legionaries + scorpions is such a fun combination to play. My buddy and I are both pretty bad at the game, but the other day we did a "barbarians at the gates" type scenario vs the ai on the Italy map. We both played Romans, set the enemies to Goths and Huns, and it was a blast trying to survive against them.
Age of Empires II Definitive Edition is getting a special DLC to celebrate AoE's 25th anniversary. From the sound of things, it will let players play with all of the original AoE civs, but (with the exception of Rome) not against the standing AoE crew. I'm guessing balancing that many civs would have been an issue -- plus, there's the fact that there would be two Persias!
But, the big question, for me, thus is, does this mean the AoE2 style scennario and campaign editor - with scripting, specific granted starting techs, and such - can now be used with AoE1 civs and units?
But, the big question, for me, thus is, does this mean the AoE2 style scennario and campaign editor - with scripting, specific granted starting techs, and such - can now be used with AoE1 civs and units?
I never really got into the scenario editor, but it sure seems like it. The aoe1 editor looks just like the aoe2 editor, so I assume they function the same way
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