Any interest in a "create your civ as you play" mod ?

Hello, im working in something similar but in civ 5 because civ 6 modding is harder. But maybe i can help. I dont know a lot of lua only modifing others works but a lot of exp in xml and sql
I too had been working on something within CiV, in a similar way to how religions formed, but there's now a lot that I worked on looking to make the game more organic, but put to one side.

I've only just spotted that Civ6 modding is up and running, and even then I've barely played the game, so do know it intimately enough to start on anything, but it's this sort of thing that the game has needed for a long time.
I built this for Fall From Heaven ages ago. It was a fun project, best of luck to you.
I would love something like this, it would give a more stellaris-ish feeling. I get something kinda similar to the techs with the real eurekas mod, and I think this idea would be a great fit with the spirit of the age mod too.
I already gave a try to this concept in the age of CIV 4 (age of civilisation), but lacked the coding power to take on this project by myself, and thus relied on other (nice) people, but wasn't really free. However, things have changed, I already tinggled some LUA, and have very good hope to make so gameplay changes.

So the concept would be to have a "generic" civ, and have it grow and shape (mostly through techs), in different ways.
As opposed to choosing the french, or americans, or whatever, and know what you special units would be, special powers would be, and so on.
This mod would spread only until the late middle age/renaissance/basic gunpowder.

Any thoughts ?

I like the concept, and I'd probably play it, but I'm curious as to why the mod "would only spread until the late middle age/renaissance/basic gunpowder"? As that doesn't even capture the emergence of the nation-state. There's still a lot of room for a Civ to grow and morph beyond that era.
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