Any news on the possibility of DLL being released?

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It's not how it should be but ultimately the bugs are getting fixed. In Civ6 it took them like 6 months to fix the forest fire bug and all they had to do was change one number in the game files iirc

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It's not how it should be but ultimately the bugs are getting fixed. In Civ6 it took them like 6 months to fix the forest fire bug and all they had to do was change one number in the game files iirc

...which would be fixed in a community patch instantly.

I mean you get the bugs anyways, that is unfortunatley just how development works. Bethesda isnt really that much worse than most other companies, especially when you factor in just how much the Gamebryo engine is actually doing
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...which would be fixed in a community patch instantly.

I mean you get the bugs anyways, that is unfortunatley just how development works. Bethesda isnt really that much worse than most other companies, especially when you factor in just how much the Gamebryo engine is actually doing

Ik i'm agreeing with you
But if I don't install them, then I'm still left with a buggy game that the developer has no incentive to fix for me because "just install the community patch". That's even worse than the current situation for me. At least in this situation, there's a chance that the developers will fix most of the bugs. And they usually do, too! We're complaining that bugs don't get fixed in the next monthly patch, but it used to be that we only got 2-3 patches in a year. Now, we're getting 12! I don't mind waiting a while for an official fix. If the game is too broken, then I'll play something else until it's fixed. No big deal.

I'm not arguing against the release of the DLL, of course. More options is always better. I'm just not comfortable with the Bethesda way of doing things, which seems to be, "Eh, why bother fixing bugs? The community can do it later. Let's just release this half-finished game and sell a zillion copies before anyone realizes what happened." And it's not like they only did that once or twice. They've been doing it for decades.

Really - broken AI and game breaking bugs five years later? Not holding my breadth.

I know I just wanted to underscore the point. The only downside is insecure dev egos

The devs probably don't have someone like Soren pushing for this.
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