Anyone play Gigantic high difficulty games ?


Oct 2, 2016
So am well in to a Huge, Marathon, Emperor game and have a good chance of a win. Only one AI has any chance of winning.

Am curious if anyone plays Gigantic Immortal/Deity and how do you find the difficulty of Gigantic maps over large/huge ?

I'm playing with Aggressive AI turned on. I know a few people have said it cripples the AI's economy but from what have seen the AI's are doing just fine with their economy on high difficulty. The challenge is great !

Hats off to whoever designed this MOD I've finally found the civ bug again. Something I could never find with the broken challengless mess of 5&6
I stick to Large maps because having more AI on the field isn't an intuitive way to make the games harder. It's just investing more time managing diplomacy in a tedious way, keeping track of tiny changes across dozens of AI. More diplomacy isn't a fun challenge for me.
I find Immortal/gigantic maps more challenging. It allows the AI's to trade amongst each other, so the 'pack' gains an equal tech advantage.

But over time, the usual factors will come into play.

Religious blocks will form. Financial Civs will generally be tech leaders, the usual despised Civs will fall behind.

Civ's the gather a number of vassals, will generally be able to hold a larger empire, and tech at a greater rate.

But once I reach a certain level of Cities and technology, usually about Education for Universities seems to be the beginning of the tipping point, up to Rifling/Infantry. I start to gain an advantage in technology. My empire is 80-120 cities, and my base gold/science rate is greater than the 100%:science: of the AI empires.

I will usually have 1-3 other civs chasing me at this point, but I can usually maintain an lead, as THEY are involved in wars on the 2nd continent, where as I would have totally consumed my own starting continent. Now I just build up ALL my cities to the same level of development.

I do play with Revolutions, to give some empire management to myself, it does hamper the AI's, but if the DIDN'T build single cities on any available land, with no consideration for defense, empire unity etc. But thats a LOT/HUGE amount of what if coding.

I especially like the pushing of my empire to its limits of finances, unity, management and being able to do what I want, as I like, with out fear of an AI invasion, that I can't repulse in 1/2 turns.
I've started a game some time ago on a more than gigantic map (planet generator mapscript allows maps bigger than gigantic), epic or marathon, I don't remember; I started on noble but with flexible difficutly and I set the revolution factor to maximum (10). I've played up to classical and I'm really in deep troubles like I've never been before since I don't know when. I had a revolution and 2 of my 7 cities were conquered by rebels. I managed to recapture one, signed peace and after a few turns the other rebel city joined my empire again. After a few more turns I had another revolution and 5 of my 7 cities spawned huge rebel armies. Also, I'm running out of money and my units will probably be deleted because they're on strike. First time in more than 5 years at least that I have to quit a game because I'm losing; and never happened so early in the game. But lots of fun until now.
Another thing, Graphics scripting option while playing is required. If you find the turns are slowing down too much, turn on Graphics scripting, 1st page in the bug options.

I've found, that I had problems loading the game when I saved it with graphics scripting on, so I have to turn it off, BEFORE I save the game.

As I run a Linux operating system, that maybe why, or not.... just be fore warned.
I had problems loading the game when I saved it with graphics scripting on, so I have to turn it off, BEFORE I save the game.
Thanks, will test:
1) Save 'w paging.
2) Untick paging, save again.
3) Re-enable paging, then quit to desktop.
Actually, it loads with Graphics paging intact.

It just takes nearly 2 rounds of the Buba Yeta song to fully load up.

It does play 50% faster, I did a 2 or 3 turn test,

It just takes time to load up screen when you shift view.

Loading problem, might just have been a corrupted save?? or a once off glitch, not a problem loading now, only it takes much longer.
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